The only Spaceline that is Safely Taking an Integrated World Into An Comfortable Outer-space Environment
Via Full Gravity / Hygiene amenity's Aloft and no Diapers or cumbersome Space-suits Become a real Astronaut / Saucernaut by experiencing the fastest and safest FAA- AST Registered growing phenomenon as connected to a Haynes (flying) Saucer Sighting

Now you can finally put us on your bucket list by getting your ride in a real
FAA AST Registered
Star-trek /Star Wars lookalike
USO/UFO mimicking
Haynes (flying) Saucer
with Blue Ridge Nebula Starlines Today  Feel free to stop by and come on board

the flight decks of our Third Wave Airlines Star-teak/Star Wars lookalike Starliner's of tomorrow and connect with your very own "Ribbon in the Stars "
In either our first developed Haynes Sucer called

El Jimmie Lee or our 1- 10 passenger Haynes Saucers
named La Dilila

Flight opp's to the various moons, exoplanets and beyond today like so many others are doing right here in eastern Colorado, USA
As always God Bless you one and all

1970s Eastern Colorado FTG Airport first Flying Club
1980s Eastern Colorado FTG Airport first Flight School Center
1990s Eastern Colorado FTG Airport first Air/spaceline Company
2000s Eastern Colorado FTG Airport World's first Spaceport
2010s Eastern Colorado FTG Airport World's first Space/arline
2012 Eastern Colorado FTG DIA airports World's first Space/Starport
2014 Blue Ridge Starlines World's first Plasma drive Flying Saucer
2016 Blue Ridge Starlines World's first ( five environment) USO UFO Flying Saucer safety / entertainment Ejection Pods demonstration
2017 Blue Ridge Starlines World's first Flying Saucer Rapid USO UFO turnaround flight 30 days 30 VTOL flights non stop