

Welcome to Our Blue Ridge Nebula Starlines

(Updated  2024 - 2025 )

Welcome to the 

World's first certified 

 Air-taxi in 1995 now using UFO looking e-VTOL

God Bless you and yours

Black History Month 
Flying Saucers Are Real 

Thanks to Dr. Doug Haynes blessing from God, black history has been made again and again since we can now finally say that flying saucers are real,  the industries  top  A&P aircraft-airline technician, FCC avionics specialist, air and spacecraft manufacturing engineer, multi engine pilot instructor, educator professor / multiple under/graduate degreed, FAA AST registered / certified air-space-starline CEO / owner operator Dr. D is ready to unveil his first air-taxi  and demo the only safe-sexy, non-polluting eVTOL’s spaceport to downtown op’s just for you.
So feel free to stop by this spring to get a sneak pre-flight look at the world's first and only manned, all green electrical e-VTOL UFO via our Go Fly test flights 
and as always, 

God Bless You and Yours

2025 MLK-DAY
(01-20th Marading for getting Civil Rights Right)

Take the next holiday-off in order to take a day-on with us all during MLK Day at the largest gathering in the world right here in Denver Colorado Please know that 
Your invited to come along with us as we celebrate  MLK Day on the 20th of 2025's first month, (January) , 
while checking in by saying hi and good luck to one of America's top two presidents 
and their family's, with guiding leadership supporters such as the Webb's family'
/  many loving maraders marching for 2025's Hope, Faith, Joy and Love
"Job well done Good and Faithful Servants" 

Barack, Michelle Obama and Joe, Jil Biden 
Thank you, for 15 years of knowing the world's greatest American Presidents
                               we love you all                 
 As always, God bless you and yours

 Transport the People with Water Bottles

with our flying saucers  

as headed to the moons named Deimos, Phobos, Io, Europa, Enceladus, Titan, Titania, Triton and or, Charon.

Don’t be relegated to flying an iPad to and with antiquated space destinations / equipment aloft, come navigate an actual state-of-the-art, gravity generating Mars spaceliner to the universe and beyond in safety and comfort.


As the world's first and safest FAA/AST registered air-space-Starline operation since 1994 you are invited to join us today as we journey to Mars and beyond. Thanks to God we here at Blue Ridge are the only ones building and operating certified manned related spaceships. Unlike anyone else in the world, ever since the opening of this century, on a 26 month rotation bases, one or more of our operational spaceships have helped us simulated over nine real time, manned, 100% artificial gravity generating, round trip flights to the twin Earth/ Mars orbital systems with in 30 days.  Now that's historical success aloft for you and me.  

God bless you and yours 

Happy 2025 New Year  

Thanks to God that this is 
Dr. Doug Haynes 2024 FTG Privat Hanger Aerospace Laboratory 


"Dr. Doug Haynes and his world's first / safest FAA-AST Reg spaceline wins again"

 Dr. D the industries only A&P aircraft-airline technician, FCC avionics specialist, air and spacecraft manufacturing engineer, multi engine pilot instructor, educator professor / multiple under/graduate degreed, FAA AST registered / certified air-space-starline CEO / owner operator Dr. D wins again and says thanks to you all. 

As head of the only USA rated manned spaceship, flying saucer, and or, FAA - AST designate X class/series spaceship flying today, as well as the safest / fastest growing / most innovated /most profitable and most public (and handicaps) accessible civilian passenger and cargo space transportation  operation  hosting not only our number one NASA PAC-3 celestial body electrical generation units, NASA's VTOL HLS Saucer Platform and NASA's LEO "DS9" Delta Hotel rotating spacestaion, but as normal the most viewed Spaceline Flight Reservation Webpage and YouTube Videos wins not only this years top award again but achieves the coolest, best appearing,  and most innovated 

Star-trek looking spaceship / designer of the century.

Thanks to God, as has been the case for the last 34 years, or more, Dr. Doug Haynes has once again won both the nomination/ vote for categorizes such as top spaceline, number one CEO/ president, best starline manager,  greatest head aerospace scientist, and coolest spaceship designing engineer of the civilian third wave space transportation industry.  

 Dr. D has also won the top 
svtol electrical powered passenger / cargo aero-car to spaceplane / saucer-liner spaceships and rotating spacestation designer of the 21st century as images depicted on the most popular viewed space flight reservation webpage and our multiple You Tube channels for the last three decades just for you.

                                                 As always God Bless you and yours


Marry Christmas 2024 Holidays        

         As always God Bless you and yours 

Your Ribbon in the Stars Bridge 

to the "new spaces" aloft  

via the first, safest , 

reliable, affordable 

Star-trek Saucer Separation Moon Mars / Planetary Lander 

and most 
certified registered 
popular FAA AST Air-Space-Starline since 1995 

DEHAS Cylon Saucer

flying cars for Earth Mars and Beyond services 
via our
 God guided "Ribbon in the Stars" flight path 


God Bless you and yours


Dr. Doug's 

Long EZ N25ED

Thanks to God

11 11 2024 
Your Ribbon in the Stars Bridge 

to the "new spaces" aloft  

via the first, safest , 

reliable, affordable 

Star-trek Saucer Separation Moon Mars / Planetary Lander 

and most 
certified registered 
popular FAA AST Air-Space-Starline since 1995 


Dr. Doug Haynes 
Private Electrical AC / UFO Operation 

 From Laborday to MLK Day 

  While our team is away from

Labor-day to MLK Day

Your Invited every other year to come along with us  virtually starting at the end of next year on our (11th) biannual Mars virtually  "Tourism test Flight"


Our Mars flight event begins with a local eVTOL flight from Down town Denver to To Mars and back from January 1st 2025 to the 25th of January 2025, via our all electrical commuting flying saucers transporters.


Your Invited to Come Along with the GOAT of the Spaceline  industry (Dr. D) while he and his Blue Ridge Nebula Starlines space flight crew team to safely simulate our eleventh "30 Day Earth - Mars twin orbital systems city pair  "Tourism Flight this December  

Third Wave Starlines Take Off

as recorded here

Always remember to not Simply Follow the Water

but always

               Transport the People with Water Bottles

Don’t be relegated to flying an iPad to and with antiquated space destinations / equipment aloft, come navigate an actual state-of-the-art, gravity generating Mars spaceliner to the universe and beyond in safety and comfort.


As the world's first and safest FAA/AST registered air-space-Starline operation since 1994 you are invited to join us today as we journey to Mars and beyond. Thanks to God we here at Blue Ridge are the only ones building and operating certified manned related spaceships. Unlike anyone else in the world, ever since the opening of this century, on a 26 month rotation bases, one or more of our operational spaceships have helped us simulated over nine real time, manned, 100% artificial gravity generating, round trip flights to the twin Earth/ Mars orbital systems with in 30 days.  Now that's historical success aloft for you and me.                                                                                                     

As always God Bless you and yours


"Cast thy Bread Upon the Waters" 

and truly make this planet great again 

Thanks to God's words, such as Ecclesiastes 11, 

the Goat of the aerospace / Spaceline industry 

is Casting a Shadow of Relief Across the Waters of Earth 

for you and I  

Since the relative temperatures of the earth's multiple environments are suddenly peaking toward their runaway triggering points of negative impact on us all, we here at DEHAS as EC-11 have decided to stop the madness 

"here and now" 

by inviting all of humanity to joining us today and perhaps get a piece of the rock aloft or a flying car / saucer for free tomorrow. Our CEO "Dr. D" the owner of the first FAA /AST registered spaceline, manmade electrical VTOL flying saucers and even the first rotating, artificial gravity generation, space based "delta-hotel" since the 20th century, invites you all to join him in cooling down the rhetoric of it all 

to save us all now and not later

Feel free to join in on the movement to making our planet 

"green great again" 

now and get your order number for either one of our VTOL flying car saucers or a timeshare account aboard the world's first space / gravity generating Delta Hotel facility aloft.  

As always God bless you and yours 


Thanks to God our multi-appointed / owner CEO of  operations ranging from DEHAS Mfg to Blue Ridge Nebula Starlines and know as the Prodigy performing 

"GOAT" of  the civilian aviation, airlines and aerospace mfg industries via over 10 of his FAA ratings /certificates, 08 college graduate degrees, 06 best selling air, space, starline business knowhow guidance books, 05 or more successful electrical VTOL "man rated" flying saucer lookalike spaceships,

invites you to come and witness the world's first Star Trek Enterprise mimicking saucerliner take flight right here in eastern Colorado just for you. 

As always 

God bless you and yours  


Blue Ridge Starlines announces how we will soon be offering Star Trekking Discovery servicing of over five different southwest based terrestrial spaceports to celestial base locations such as the moons of earth and mars and beyond, via the world's first, FAA certified air-taxi "Blue Dimond Quest"  airline since 1995 utilizing the first and safest e S-VTOL saucerliners, as propelled by our patent, all green, reaction-less powerplans called the "Hay Drive".  Feel free to join us as we prep for our (Dec 31st) Mars round trip, demo / simulation excursion. 

As always God Bless you and yours



VTOL Tic Tac "little Mac" 

All purpose emergence rescue / handicap operated

Stop by this summer to see both our DEHAS Mfg ordinal phase II GoFly Prize  SVTOL flying car entry and our newest Phase III GoAERO Prize Tic Tac (little Mac) UFO looking, all purposes ranging from emergence rescue services to handicap users operations line of Saucerliners formation right here in north eastern Denver Colorado just for you 

God Bless you and yours


Mars SVTOL Helicopter / Saucerliner 

Dr. D as the first business to move to FTG in eastern Colorado in the 80's, and the one who first turned it in to a spaceport back in the 20th century notes that as others go up in smoke and down in flames through out the industry, thanks to God, Dr. D and his staff who was the first to successfully conducted VTOL helicopters like Haynes miniature flying saucer demonstration operations on celestial based objected like our Moon, Mars and even Enceladus,  which went viral decades ago, as posted here long ago, 

get ready to fly our, Jeter Saucer flying car for groups like the Blue and Black (Blue Ridge Nebula Starlines and project Black) community, we announce that the DEHAS Mfg Mars SVTOL (Tic Tac Mac UFO looking ) Saucerliners goes under construction right here in Colorado just for you.

God bless you and yours

 Black History Month 

Flying Saucers Are Real 

Thanks to Dr. Doug Haynes blessing from God, black history has been made again and again since we can now finally say that flying saucers are real,  the industries  top  A&P aircraft-airline technician, FCC avionics specialist, air and spacecraft manufacturing engineer, multi engine pilot instructor, educator professor / multiple under/graduate degreed, FAA AST registered / certified air-space-starline CEO / owner operator Dr. D is ready to unveil his first air-taxi  and demo the only safe-sexy, non-polluting eVTOL’s spaceport to downtown op’s just for you.
So feel free to stop by this spring to get a sneak pre-flight look at the world's first and only manned, all green electrical e-VTOL UFO via our Go Fly test flights 
and as always, 

God Bless You and Yours

2024 MLK-DAY
(01-15th Marading for getting Civil Rights Right)

Take the next holiday-off in order to take a day-on with us all during MLK Day at the largest gathering in the world right here in Denver Colorado Please know that 
Your invited to come along with us as we celebrate MLK Day on the 15th of 2024's,  first month, (January) , 
while checking in by saying hi and good luck to one of America's top two presidents 
and their family's, with guiding leadership supporters such as the Webb's family'
/  many loving maraders marching for 2024's Hope, Faith, Joy and Love
"Job well done Good and Faithful Servants" 

Barack, Michelle Obama and Joe, Jil Biden 
Thank you, for 15 years of knowing the world's greatest American Presidents
                               we love you all                 
 As always, God bless you and yours

Happy 2024 New Years 

Happy 12-12-2023 X-Mass Holidays  
Thanks to God, for more then a half century now we are the only Colo/USA based aerospace manufacturing company that lets you buy/fly what we dream of, design, build, test, and operate a mile high right here in Colorado just for you and yours  

         As always God Bless you and yours


Tune in now to join the latest movement toward humanin space flight  activity via Rodrick Martian's 

Why the Big Secret /Strangeness 

Project Black's 

seers and seekers 




Dr. Doug a

11 11 2023 

Your Ribbon in the Stars Bridge 

to the "new spaces" aloft  

via the first, safest , 

reliable, affordable 

Star-trek Saucer Separation Moon Mars / Planetary Lander 

and most 
certified registered 
popular FAA AST Air-Space-Starline since 1995 


Dr. Doug Haynes 
Private Electrical AC / UFO Operation 

 From Laborday to MLK Day 

  While our team is away from

Labor-day to MLK Day

Your Invited every other year to come along with us  virtually starting at the end of next year on our (11th) biannual Mars virtually  "Tourism test Flight"


Blue Ridge Nebula Starlines commits to providing Project project_black_logo_BLACK-box_370x370Black with FAA AST certified aerospaceline transportation operations so feel free to get on board follow along, our just stay updated at our  Genesis Prime Program link to the left and as always God bless you and yours


Happy Birthday Dr. D
for giving the world its first and only safe 
five passenger, UFO operating eVTOL with top and bottom ejection pods, retractable tips and undercrage that fits in your garage 


DEHAS Jeter Saucer 

often copied around the world 

but never imitated 

God BlessYou and yours


Dr. D 6-pac CEO's

World's first


Long EZ

all electrical aircraft and flying saucers  

as headed to the moons named Deimos, Phobos , Io, Europa, Enceladus, Titan, Titania, Triton and or, Charon.

as always

God Bless you and yours


Welcome to the 

Six pac CEO Dr. Doug Haynes 

World's first combined Star Trek Enterprise looking configured 

e-VTOL's like our version of the DARPA American Spaceplane X-1  bottom mothership named

 "Goose Moose" 

and our orbital space penetrating cargo/passenger space/saucerliner 

top ship named 

"Los Dilila"

N301GM and N711HH

as built by Dr. D's 

DEHAS companies 

as always 

God Bless you and yours


Welcome to the 

World's first Manned UFO looking e-VTOL 


the DEHAS 

Jeter Saucer 


God Bless you and yours


As always thanks to God, this Metropolitan State University's Spring Break, their top   A&P aircraft-airline technician, FCC avionics specialist, air and spacecraft manufacturing engineer, multi engine pilot instructor, educator professor / multiple under/graduate degreed, FAA AST registered / certified air-space-starline CEO / owner operator Dr. D is ready to unveil his first air-taxi  and demo the only safe-sexy, non-polluting eVTOL’s spaceport to downtown op’s just for you.

Thank God you don’t need a lot of bucks and payoffs, just an abundant amount of blessings and prayers, so while others spend time trying to flip around cool looking, but way too polluting, Buck Rogers lookalike. ICBM missiles, outdated staging rocket sequences, antiquated space capsule configurations, obsolete space planes of the 20th century that normally go up in smoke or down in flames and even over priced toy versions of our real, full size, manned, VTOL saucerliners, we have been busy building something futuristic just for you. Since the 80’s we have been fabricating our “go Obama all Clean Green” saucer-liners to service our FAA certified “Ribbon to the Stars” air carrier gateway package just for you.

Like all our Haynes Saucers our Jeter Saucer Saucer/ hover craft is the world’s first, safest, and most versatile disk shaped, back yard navigating, VTOL, 350 mph to light speed, high altitude cruising aerial transportation device.  

They can host 8 to 20 hours per day atmospheric or vacuum based flight sequences to near or far city pair destinations around the earth or solar system while featuring 30 minutes passenger / payload loading de-loading turns while flying 10 passengers or more across our operational network. 

Our flying saucers are fully handicap accessible thanks to the addition of our low slung, booster package servicing ramps. These DEHAS mfg saucers house, 4 vertical, independently modulating electrical retracting gears, three pressurized stand-up cabins, twin top or bottom exiting safety parachute aided ejection pods, 16-38 feet wide 10-16 feet tall, tip to body folding parking to flight measurements.  DEHAS line of saucerliners also sport twin electrical entry / exit telescoping aux servicing ladders, internal / external LED based lighting, cargo / docking to upper cabin elevators, separate ship and cabin auto leveling capabilities in support of spaceport or mothership to booster docking de-docking accessibility events.

Our line of saucers also features, twin left and right side loading electrical servicing air-stairs / ramps leading to  2 pressurized D-egg shape doors and two pre-entry "dust off "contamination airlocks for a clean and roomy stand-up, safety-based cabin maneuverability area. DEHAS Saucerliners also contain built in confinement artificial gravity generating G-egg chairs lined up with privately viewing HD display unites facilitate privately seated / embedded Wi-Fi based "heads up" goggles aided, AV entertainment / communication-based stations. For hygiene purposes aloft many of our saucerliners basements and aft booster package connection areas not only house house bathrooms / showers / baths, but sleeping compartments and even 4-way docking enter / exit ports. For occupancy external internal environmental hazardous protection our UFO's are equipped with fully FDA approved polyethylene resin / heat and radiation resistant liquid skin shielding technologies. Furthermore many of our saucerliners contain the “NASA covenanted” twin dust-off airlocks, and multiple recirculating filtered (oxygen / nitrogen) breathable air scrubbers supply unites.

 DEHAS UFO’s, multifaceted,12 volt, 44k wattage, 24/7 electrical power ac/dc generation system uses either their non-spill/ non-gassing/ non-exploding, long duration, lead acid batteries or our multiple mag-gen’s as aided by our twin PAC-4 solar powered sun tracking arrays to operate devices such as our fly by radio (tx) network, over sized, HTV and heads up synthetic - real-time vision goggles PV, ADF/ILS/GPS/Star nav, altitude hold, fully automounts autopiloting, ADS in-out anti-collision / id and nap-of-earth terrain-following guidance capabilities to keep things safe and comfortable while flying over or around sensitive environmental areas such as downtown areas, across the ponds, around the world, and or, into space.

These Saucerliners also smartly offer rapped "dead battery arrays swap out" abilities, and or runaway hot-battery ejection events via the same hook-up / release systems . Not only can both the cabin and cargo pods be emergency or  recreational ejected but even entire ship can be safely returned to terrestrial locations via their safety parachute arresting systems. Multi- functional RCS provide forward, sideways, and aft air braking forces. All of our saucerliners are propelled through sea, land, air and space by either our multiple ducted fan arrangements, secret  patient, non-polluting, reactionless powerplants, or the more popular, dual ion drive / light speed cruising motors. These state-of-the--art powerplants support the production of both our antigravity energy creation forces and speed of light performance. 

The true flying saucer VTOL operational characteristics of our new personal / urban e-motor powered vehicles elevate the need of encountering any dangerous transitional phases of flight issues. Our line of saucerliners are flexible enough to service people/cargo transportation markets ranging from the up and coming PVA market, the 3D Air taxi operations, and even the up and coming Third Wave Airlines space tourism industry.

All of this is possible today, not tomorrow, since we have elected to utilize the much safer UFO mimicking type of craft while servicing the commensal market as the world’s first, FAA certified, 135 air taxi VTOL operation since 1995. Thanks to God, all of these state-of-the-art amenities easily makes our line of  saucerliners the world’s safest, extremely advanced and most versatile air transportation vehicles ever conceived.  Since seeing is believing, and to be the best you have to produce the best,  Blue Ridge Nebula Spaceline will once again showoff a few of our family-line of Star-trek / Star Wars looking UFO saucerliners this summer right here at our Colorado Air and Spaceport. This is the case before we began our FAA certified air-taxi airline low routs testing, which are targeted at servicing location such as urban, towns, city, states, national, international, sub/orbital, lunar, mars, and finally deeper and deeper space based penetrating twin space city pair connection points. Much of this space tourism connection operations will be done  via our rotating artificial gravity generating space stations.

So now you can finally get up to date and remember, at the world’s first "Third Wave Airlines" named “Blue Ridge” there’s always a Ribbon In the Stars just safely waiting to take you on a star-trekking-journey across the known universe in comfort and light speeding style.

As always please feel free to book a flight at the world’s first online space flight reservation system here at or stop by to walk around the cabins/ cargo compartment or even catch a ride on one of our saucerliners today rather than some other ICBM looking missiles, outdated staging rockets procedures, antiquated space capsules routines or obsolete space plane protocols that endorse the actions of going up in smoke or down in flames, and are tragically absent of any safety ejection pods or all green, renewable energy, enhancing technologies down the road.

As always God Bless you and yours


"Dr. Doug Haynes and his world's first / safest FAA-AST Reg spaceline wins again"

 Dr. D the industries only A&P aircraft-airline technician, FCC avionics specialist, air and spacecraft manufacturing engineer, multi engine pilot instructor, educator professor / multiple under/graduate degreed, FAA AST registered / certified air-space-starline CEO / owner operator Dr. D wins again and says thanks to you all. 

As head of the only USA rated manned spaceship, flying saucer, and or, FAA - AST designate X class/series spaceship flying today, as well as the safest / fastest growing / most innovated /most profitable and most public (and handicaps) accessible civilian passenger and cargo space transportation  operation  hosting not only our number one NASA PAC-3 celestial body electrical generation units, NASA's VTOL HLS Saucer Platform and NASA's LEO "DS9" Delta Hotel rotating spacestaion, but as normal the most viewed Spaceline Flight Reservation Webpage and YouTube Videos wins not only this years top award again but achieves the coolest, best appearing,  and most innovated 

Star-trek looking spaceship / designer of the century.

Thanks to God, as has been the case for the last 33 years, or more, Dr. Doug Haynes has once again won both the nomination/ vote for categorizes such as top spaceline, number one CEO/ president, best starline manager,  greatest head aerospace scientist, and coolest spaceship designing engineer of the civilian third wave space transportation industry.  

 Dr. D has also won the top 
svtol electrical powered passenger / cargo aero-car to spaceplane / saucer-liner spaceships and rotating spacestation designer of the 21st century as images depicted on the most popular viewed space flight reservation webpage and our multiple You Tube channels for the last three decades just for you.

                                                 As always God Bless you and yours

 Black History Month 
Flying Saucers Are Real 

Thanks to Dr. Doug Haynes blessing from God, black history has been made again and again since we can now finally say that flying saucers are real,  the industries  top  A&P aircraft-airline technician, FCC avionics specialist, air and spacecraft manufacturing engineer, multi engine pilot instructor, educator professor / multiple under/graduate degreed, FAA AST registered / certified air-space-starline CEO / owner operator Dr. D is ready to unveil his first air-taxi  and demo the only safe-sexy, non-polluting eVTOL’s spaceport to downtown op’s just for you.
So feel free to stop by this spring to get a sneak pre-flight look at the world's first and only manned, all green electrical e-VTOL UFO via our Go Fly test flights 
and as always, 

God Bless You and Yours

2023 MLK-DAY
(01-16th Marading for getting Civil Rights Right)

Take the next holiday-off in order to take a day-on with us all during MLK Day at the largest gathering in the world right here in Denver Colorado Please know that 
Your invited to come along with us as we celebrate  MLK Day on the 16th of 2023's first month, (January) , 
while checking in by saying hi and good luck to one of America's top two presidents 
and their family's, with guiding leadership supporters such as the Webb's family'
/  many loving maraders marching for 2023's Hope, Faith, Joy and Love
"Job well done Good and Faithful Servants" 

Barack, Michelle Obama and Joe, Jil Biden 
Thank you, for 14 years of knowing the world's greatest American Presidents
                               we love you all                 
 As always, God bless you and yours

Happy 2023 New Year  

Thanks to God that this is 
Dr. Doug Haynes 2023 FTG Privat Hanger Aerospace Laboratory 

Happy 2022 Holidays        

         As always God Bless you and yours 

Your Ribbon in the Stars Bridge 

to the "new spaces" aloft  

via the first, safest , 

reliable, affordable 

Star-trek Saucer Separation Moon Mars / Planetary Lander 

and most 
certified registered 
popular FAA AST Air-Space-Starline since 1995 

Welcome to the 

World's first certified 

 Air-taxi in 1995 now using UFO looking e-VTOL

God Bless you and yours

DEHAS Cylon Saucer

flying cars for Earth Mars and Beyond services 
via our
 God guided "Ribbon in the Stars" flight path 


God Bless you and yours


Dr. Doug's 

Long EZ N25ED

Thanks to God


As posted in Dr. Haynes year 2000, 5 part book series on colonizing 
space flight operations, 
called the "Third Wave Airlines"

Landing Back Home 


by the 15th of December 2022

Finally Astro-hydro- saucer-naut Dr. Doug E Haynes, his starline flight crew, and passengers like yourself, land back on earth in our 10 seater El Jimmie Lee spacecraft at the world's first active, third wave airlines servicing spaceport, here at Watkins Colorado, as called “Colorado Air and Spaceport” on the 15th of December 2022.

 Afther an overnight stopover at our earth's geostationary orbiting space station on the 15th of December 2022 Astro-hydro- saucer-naut Dr. Doug E Haynes, his starline flight crew, and passengers like yourself heads home.

 Geostationary Spacestation

Once again, please note that this series of space flight trips completed by Dr. Haynes and his teams is our 10th record breaking, "MARS-SIX-DAY FLIGHT" sequence within 30 days, rather than six month or two years. This high technology flight episode also serves as both the Third Wave Airline industries safest and fastest Mars round trip connection flight in history.

Afther a brief overnight stopover at our earth's geostationary orbiting space station on the 15th December 2022 Astro-hydro- saucer-naut Dr. Doug E Haynes, his starline flight crew, and passengers like yourself  de-dock with their earth based, geostationary orbiting space-station and finally head for home by the 15th of December 2022

 After a day’s flight from the moon in our El Jimmie lee commuter spacecraft, her occupants like Astro-hydro- saucer-naut Dr. Doug E Haynes, his starline flight crew, and passengers like yourself docked with our geostationary orbit artificial gravity generating/orbiting space station on the 14th on December 2022 . 

 Afther using our Star-trek lookalike starship connection package to reach the earth orbital system, Astro-hydro- saucer-naut Dr. Doug E Haynes, his starline flight crew, and passengers like yourself begin their two day stay at our Blue Ridge Nebula Starlines artificial gravity generating/orbiting lunar space station


 Back to the Moon by the 12th

Dr. Haynes used his Star-trek lookalike, DEHAS Inc deep space penetrating booster-package’s non-reaction CF “Hay Drive” space motors to reach our moon’s orbiting spacestation by the 12th of December.  

         In-route from Mars to earth’s orbital system 

from the 7th to the 12th of December 2022 

After an overnight stay at our company's Phobos Moons artificial gravity generating/orbiting space station on the  7th of December Dr. Doug Haynes, his crew, scientific exploration drones, and saucernaut passengers like yourself began their short 6-day flight back to our earths orbiting system in their version of the DARPA USO/UFO aerospace plane.

Whoever wanted to return to earth at that time Astro-hydro- saucer-naut Dr. Doug E Haynes, his starline flight crew, and passengers like yourself will first stop at our company's Phobos Moons artificial gravity generating/orbiting space station. This is to be accomplished before heading home in their newest, 20 passenger starliner. 

 Leaving the Surface of Mars 

on the 6th of December

 Astro-hydro- saucer-naut Dr. Doug Haynes his starline flight crew, and saucer-naut passengers like yourself will depart the surface of Mars.

 On the 6th of December Astro-hydro- saucer-naut Dr. Doug Haynes his starline flight crew, and saucer-naut passengers like yourself will collected their rovers and air drones in preparation to depart the surface of Mars.


Dr. Doug Haynes, his starline flight crew, and passengers like yourself will deploy a variety of ground and areal proving rovers and drones          


On the Surface of Mars / Phobos 

from the 5th to the 6th th of December    

 Once safety on the surface of Mars for a two day stay starting on the 5th of December the 10 to 20 occupants and their scientific exploration drones will ether stay there for two years at a base or just spend a trouble free, red dust, celestial exportation like vacation on the surface of Mars.

      In-route to the Mars orbital system 

from 11, 29th to 12, 04th

As normal, while mars is only about 38.6 million miles (62.07 million kilometers) away for the next week,  saucer- hydro-naut Dr. Doug Haynes, his crew, scientific exploration drones, and passengers like yourself  reached the Mars orbital system within a week. We accomplished such a record-breaking journey to Mars via the employment of both our secret, patented, contentious thrust, gravitics based ion plasma and CF “Hay Drive”, deep space flight trans-versing space motor technology’s. Once in the local orbital environment, Astro-hydro- saucer-naut Dr. Doug Haynes, his starline flight crew, and passengers like yourself  docked with their Mars Moons (Phobos) artificial gravity generating space-station. This was done before actually headed down to the surface of Mars on the 4th of December 2022.

 To the Moon

After an overnight stay at our geostationary orbit artificial gravity generating/orbiting space station, on the 27th Commander Dr. Doug Haynes, his crew, scientific exploration drones, and saucernaut passengers like yourself head to the moon. This is done using our Star-trek “lookalike” DEHAS Inc deep space penetrating booster-package’s non-reaction CF “Hay Drive” space motors. Thanks to this new, all electrical space motor drive technology we can reach our moon’s orbiting spacestation by the 28th of the month faster and cleaner than anyone else without polluting any environments along the way.     


 Stop by and help the crew switch-out of their USO/ UFO mimicking, Sci-fi movie Forbidden Planet / Earth -vs- Mars “lookalike” Haynes Saucer named El Jimmie Lee, on the 26th.  After their overnight stay at our Blue Ridge Nebula Starlines artificial gravity generating geostationary orbiting space station

On the 25th Commander Dr. Doug Haynes, his crew, scientific exploration drones, and saucernaut passengers like yourself head to our geostationary orbiting station. 



 Watch as our CEO Astro-hydro- saucer-naut Dr. Doug Haynes, and his crew switch into and then navigate one of our 10-seater, saucer shaped spacecraft, named El Jimmie Lee, to his third wave space-lines, artificial gravity generating, geostationary orbiting space-stations. 

 Welcome to our 


Our Mars flight event begins with a local eVTOL flight from Down town Denver to our Colorado Spaceport base our east on Friday, the 25th of November 2022 via one of our all electrical commuting flying saucers transporters named the Jeter Mobile.


Dr. Doug Haynes 
Private Electrical AC / UFO Operation 


 From Laborday to MLK Day 

  While our team is away from

Labor-day to MLK Day

Your Invited every other year to come along with us (from November the 25th to December the 15th) virtually on our (10th) biannual Mars "Tourism Flight"

Happy Birthday Dr. Doug 
with Green Power Aloft 

God bless you and yours 

07- 07-2022
Sneak pre-flight video look at the world's first and only manned e-VTOL UFO

Your Invited to Come Along so feel free to Book your Mars 30 day "Tourism Flight Today at 

Third Wave Starlines Take Off

Our 2022 Mars Six Day Demonstration Flight Sequence 

Always remember to not Simply Follow the Water

but always

               Transport the People with Water Bottles

Don’t be relegated to flying an iPad to and with antiquated space destinations / equipment aloft, come navigate an actual state-of-the-art, gravity generating Mars spaceliner to the universe and beyond in safety and comfort.



As the world's first and safest FAA/AST registered air-space-Starline operation since 1994 you are invited to join us today as we journey to Mars and beyond. Thanks to God we here at Blue Ridge are the only ones building and operating certified manned related spaceships. Unlike anyone else in the world, ever since the opening of this century, on a 26 month rotation bases, one or more of our operational spaceships have helped us simulated over nine real time, manned, round trip flight to Mars and back.                                                                                                    

As always God Bless you and yours


Stop by to fly DEHAS's 
singular seater eVTOL
on earth or Mars
via our
Jeter Saucer 
God Bless you and yours

Strop By to fly one of 
Dr. Doug 
Cylon e-VTOL Saucerliners
God bless you and yours

Metro State University's top student /professor 
six pack CEO

Dr. Doug 
goes flight testing in one of his Cylon e-VTOL Saucerliners
God bless you and yours


2022 Black History Month

unica_le_leroy Remembering 

Mr. Elmer Dewitt Haynes Jr. and one of his brothers Le Roy 

two of the first / greatest military / civilian aviators 

thanks to God

All month Historical EV's Test Flights 


        Jeter Octo +8 Saucer

Since all of our starliners like this Jeter Octo Saucer fly just as efficiently in the atmosphere as in deep space, the world’s 1st and safest,  third wave airline will be hosting all green, E powered VTOL UFO mimicking tourism flights from a multitude of south western based spaceports to our Watkins Co op's base, and newly targeted Roswell mine hub before connecting with our “Ribbon in the Stars” space flight transportation network aloft. The varying spaceports will eventually serve as our suitable starline's city-pair connection points, instead of just quick fly over point of interest down the road. Feel free to come on out this summer to experience Star Trek/ Star Wars lookalike space


"Los Dilila"

transportation technology unfolding right before your eyes.

As always, God bless you and yours      

                                                                                                                                                      Jeter Octo Saucer

DEHAS converts its secret 

ADG “perpetual motion clean energy” 

DARPA American Space plane X-1 spaceship power supply package (P-PAC) 

into the most advanced renewable energy resource 

24/7 magnetic - solar power generation device for NASA, as installed on all of its Starliners

 since 2004

Join us since thanks to our FAA-AST demonstrated 20 minute turnaround times only we can safely push to fly 10 passengers per trip, 10 times per day, five days per week, for 26k passengers per year , with full gravity generation aloft, while our NASA P-PAC booster package  generates  over 1,000 k volts of  "all green technology"  free energy based, AC/DC dedicatedelectrical power 24/7 anywhere in the universe an endless bases just for you. 

Watts on the Moon

As always God Bless you and yours

"Jeter Saucer"

"Jeter Saucer"

The first air-taxi to demo the only  safe-sexy, non-polluting eVTOL’s spaceport to downtown op’s

Thank God you don’t need a lot of bucks and payoffs, just an abundant amount of blessings and prayers, so while others spend time trying to flip around cool looking, but way too polluting, Buck Rogers lookalike. ICBM missiles, outdated staging rocket sequences, antiquated space capsule configurations, obsolete space planes of the 20th century that normally go up in smoke or down in flames and even over priced toy versions of our real, full size, manned, VTOL saucerliners, we have been busy building something futuristic just for you. Since the 80’s we have been fabricating our “go Obama all Clean Green” saucer-liners to service our FAA certified “Ribbon to the Stars” air carrier gateway package just for you.

Like all our Haynes Saucers our Jeter Saucer Saucer/ hover craft is the world’s first, safest, and most versatile disk shaped, back yard navigating, VTOL, 350 mph to light speed, high altitude cruising aerial transportation device.  Many of our saucerliners can house around 10 occupants and are fully handicap accessible, including its low slung, booster package servicing ramps. These DEHAS mfg saucers house, 4 vertical, independently modulating electrical retracting gears, three pressurized stand-up cabins, twin top or bottom exiting safety parachute aided ejection pods, 16-38 feet wide 10-16 feet tall, tip to body folding parking to flight measurements.  DEHAS line of saucerliners also sport twin electrical entry / exit telescoping aux servicing ladders, internal / external LED based lighting, cargo / docking to upper cabin elevators, separate ship and cabin auto leveling capabilities in support of spaceport or mothership to booster docking de-docking accessibility events.

Our line of saucers also features, twin left and right side loading electrical servicing air-stairs / ramps leading to  2 pressurized D-egg shape doors and two pre-entry "dust off "contamination airlocks for a clean and roomy stand-up, safety-based cabin maneuverability area. DEHAS Saucerliners also contain built in confinement artificial gravity generating G-egg chairs lined up with privately viewing HD display unites facilitate privately seated / embedded Wi-Fi based "heads up" goggles aided, AV entertainment / communication-based stations. For hygiene purposes aloft many of our saucerliners basements and aft booster package connection areas not only house house bathrooms / showers / baths, but sleeping compartments and even 4-way docking enter / exit ports. For occupancy external internal environmental hazardous protection our UFO's are equipped with fully FDA approved polyethylene resin / heat and radiation resistant liquid skin shielding technologies. Furthermore many of our saucerliners contain the “NASA covenanted” twin dust-off airlocks, and multiple recirculating filtered (oxygen / nitrogen) breathable air scrubbers supply unites.

 DEHAS UFO’s, multifaceted ,12 volt, 44k wattage, 24/7 electrical power ac/dc generation system uses either their non-spill/ non-gassing/ non-exploding, long duration, lead acid batteries, multiple mag-gen’s as aided by our twin PAC-4 solar powered sun tracking arrays to operate devices such as our fly by radio (tx) network, over sized, HTV and heads up synthetic - real-time vision goggles PV, ADF/ILS/GPS/Star nav, altitude hold, fully automounts autopiloting, ADS in-out anti-collision / id and nap-of-earth terrain-following guidance capabilities to keep things safe and comfortable over sensitive environmental areas such as downtown, across the ponds, around the world, and or, into space.

These Saucerliners also smartly offer rapped "dead battery arrays swap out" abilities, and or runaway hot-battery ejection events via the same hook-up / release systems . Not only can both the cabin and cargo pods be emergency or  recreational ejected but even entire ship can be safely returned to terrestrial locations via their safety parachute arresting systems. Multi- functional RCS provide forward, sideways, and aft air braking forces. All of our saucerliners are propelled through sea, land, air and space by either our multiple ducted fan arrangements, secret  patient, non-polluting, reactionless powerplants, or the more popular, dual ion drive / light speed cruising motors. These state-of-the--art powerplants support the production of both our antigravity energy creation forces and speed of light performance. 

The true flying saucer VTOL operational characteristics of our new personal / urban e-motor powered vehicles elevate the need of encountering any dangerous transitional phases of flight issues. Our line of saucerliners are flexible enough to service people/cargo transportation markets ranging from the up and coming PVA market, the 3D Air taxi operations, and even the up and coming Third Wave Airlines space tourism industry.

All of this is possible today, not tomorrow, since we have elected to utilize the much safer UFO mimicking type of craft while servicing the commensal market as the world’s first, FAA certified, 135 air taxi VTOL operation since 1995. Thanks to God, all of these state-of-the-art amenities easily makes our line of  saucerliners the world’s safest, extremely advanced and most versatile air transportation vehicles ever conceived.  Since seeing is believing, and to be the best you have to produce the best,  Blue Ridge Nebula Spaceline will once again showoff a few of our family-line of Star-trek / Star Wars looking UFO saucerliners this summer right here at our Colorado Air and Spaceport. This is the case before we began our FAA certified air-taxi airline low routs testing, which are targeted at servicing location such as urban, towns, city, states, national, international, sub/orbital, lunar, mars, and finally deeper and deeper space based penetrating twin space city pair connection points. Much of this space tourism connection operations will be done  via our rotating artificial gravity generating space stations.

So now you can finally get up to date and remember, at the world’s first "Third Wave Airlines" named “Blue Ridge” there’s always a Ribbon In the Stars just safely waiting to take you on a star-trekking-journey across the known universe in comfort and light speeding style.

As always please feel free to book a flight at the world’s first online space flight reservation system here at or stop by to walk around the cabins/ cargo compartment or even catch a ride on one of our saucerliners today rather than some other ICBM looking missiles, outdated staging rockets procedures, antiquated space capsules routines or obsolete space plane protocols that endorse the actions of going up in smoke or down in flames, and are tragically absent of any safety ejection pods or all green, renewable energy, enhancing technologies down the road.

As always God Bless you and yours

2022 MLK-DAY

(01-17th Marading for getting Civil Rights Right)

Take the next holiday-off in-order to take a day-on during MLK Day at the largest gathering in the world right here in Denver Colorado Please know that 
Your invited to come along with us as we celebrate  MLK Day on the 17th of 2022's first month, (January) , 
while checking in by saying hi and good luck to one of America's top two presidents 
and their family's, with guiding supporters such as the Webb's family'
/  many loving maraders marching for 2022 Hope, Faith, Joy and Love
"Job well done Good and Faithful Servants" 

Barack, Michelle Obama and Joe, Jil Biden 
Thank you, for 12 years of knowing the world's greatest American Presidents
                               we love you all                 
 As always, God bless you and yours

 Blue Ridge Starlines announces how we are offering 
Star Trekking Discovery servicing of over five different southwest based terrestrial spaceports to the moon, mars   and beyond via the world's first, FAA certified air-taxi "Blue Dimond Quest"  airline since 1995 utilizing the first and safest e S-VTOL saucerliners named DEHAS' Cylon, as propelled by our secret  patent  reactionless powerplans called the "Hay Drive" as we began over 3  "vtol flights per day" testing sequence in support of our final "late fall" (Dec 8th) Mars round trip, demo, terrain limited, simulation excursion. 

As always God Bless you and yours

 Though we lost a great family member during the latter part of the Appx N bidding process and was not granted the standard and clearly stipulated emergency late submission extension protocols we “thank God” steal got it done on time and are steal the most flight ready operation of the “pack seven” US companies (Blue Origin and its various international team members, Dynetics and even Space X, pack who all also managed to submit timely HLS vehicle exploratory path finding developmental bids to NASA’s back in early August. But such leadership is nothing new for us because since the 80’s, we have been the only space transportation company offering the greenest, sleekest, safest, man-rated, eS-VTOL-SSTO based, Star Trek technology mimicking, sea, air and space transportation vehicle in creation.

We are also the only one of the NASA Appx N “pack 7” bidders that has an FAA-AST reg/certified, man-rated, anti/artificial gravity generating aerospace-plane available for touring during our 11th and final real-time prototyping platforming, Mars round trip demo flight in 2022. As always, this Mars demo flight will be done per our webpage based reservation booking link as posted here

mars_station Our Star-trek-lookalike saucerliner, and its patented personalized ejection pods, are currently being ready to fly multiple certified occupants like our Third Wave Airline passengers called “saucernauts” safely to mars, via the 3 associated moons. Only our sexy, state-of-the-art, 10 passenger, supper fast HLS based saucerliner has the capability of making it to Mars and back in weeks but thanks to our ribbon in the stars route connection network, it also can deliver goods and services to any celestial floating object in the universe and return home to perform safe, touch and go approaches to e S-VTOL landings. Feel free to come tour the only Mars flight ready Apex N HLS sauceliner named Los Dilila in December of 2022 as it goes under development for NASA and the safest pioneering “Third Wave Airline company” in history called Blue Ridge “for free”.

Now that's leadership leading the way

            So stop by to fly

             and as always

            God bless you all this new year 

Happy 2022 New Year

Marry Christ-Mass 
Welcome to our NASA's LEO spacestations called  Deep Spacestation nine Delta Hotel's habitat 777 for the third wave airline industry today, not tomorrow,  so stop by to go inside and experience the world's first privately built  civilian space dwelling.                                                                                                                      

NASA LEO Space Station

We are building the first, safest and only manned, NASA LEO / Moon Mars and beyond gravity generation spacestation just for you and yours as always 
God Bless you and yours

Deep Spacestation 9 Delta Hotel 

Stop Going no-where fast while destroying earth’s vital environments, 

Own or Fly the coolest VTOL e-Automobile 

called our Jeter Mobile / DEHAS Flying Saucer to Mars and Back

Wow, look at all those electrical powered vehicles non-moving parts not moving at all for hours and hours on end, while going nowhere fast due to global raining /flood /warming evens, could soon get lethally socking  in there. So Nikola Tesla, who coveted electrical powered flying saucers over electrical cars was right all along when he said just after the Wright Brothers first powered flight that,
these types of  antiquated and obsolete transportation technology’s would soon be going nowhere fast. Thank God the smart people who know their history never rented or bought one of those items, and instead seek to operate the much more advanced, and state-of-the-art,  all green, VTOL , all electrical, Jeter Saucers, as offered by Dr. Doug Haynes DEHAS aerospace company in Denver.  Since it looks like  both electrical cars and planes are for the birds, be smart, helpful, and finally positive toward the environment by getting your flying car today and stop destroying the earth’s vital environments like mining lithium.

God bless you and yours


"Dr. Doug Haynes and his world's first / safest FAA-AST Reg spaceline wins again"
As head of the only USA rated manned spaceship, flying saucer, and or, FAA - AST designate X class/series spaceship flying today, as well as the safest / fastest growing / most innovated /most profitable and most public (and handicaps) accessible civilian passenger and cargo space transportation  operation  hosting not only our number one NASA PAC-3 celestial body electrical generation units, NASA's VTOL HLS Saucer Platform and NASA's LEO "DS9" Delta Hotel rotating spacestaion, but as normal the most viewed Spaceline Flight Reservation Webpage and YouTube Videos wins not only this years top award again but achieves the coolest, best appearing,  and most innovated 
Star-trek looking spaceship / designer of the century.

Thanks to God , as has been the case for the last 31 years, or more, Dr. Doug Haynes has once again won both the nomination/ vote for categorizes such as top spaceline, number one CEO/ president, best starline manager,  greatest head aerospace scientist, and coolest spaceship designing engineer of the civilian third wave space transportation industry.  

 Dr. D E Haynes also won the top 
passenger / cargo aero-spaceplane / saucer-liner spaceships and rotating spacestation designer of the 21st century as images depicted on the most popular viewed space flight reservation webpage and our multiple You Tube channels for the last three decades just for you.

                                                 As always God Bless you and yours

10-16- 2021
Building excessive Infrastructure below -vs- Flying Extra-space saucerliners aloft
Why over build with billions in support of excessive fuel loading /servicing infrastructure facilities for antiquated space transportation technology when you can stop by on line to see us fly our state-of-the-art, all electrical drive, Star-trek lookalike Saucerlines this month  
as we 

host our annual computer virtually based 66/26 years of celebrating our perfect local, national


and international based aviation, air, space and starline operational leadership, as ranging from radial 
configured powerplants to redial shaped air-frames such as our twin UFO / USO Haynes Saucer designs like no one else can.


 Keeping Colorado 1st Aloft 
                                        Labor Day to MLK Day

As our employees and vendors prepare to take-off the next five mounts (from Labor day to MLK Day)  for a well deserved vacation break  for keeping us safely number one  again, and again, our CEO Astro / saucernaut Dr. Doug E Haynes and his space/starline management team takes over.  
They are preparing to celebrate the world’s first space, starlines 26th reflection anniversary in style once more this fall, 
on the 16th of October,
This will be done via the operation of  Dr. Haynes  21st century Star-trek/Star-Wars lookalike 
USO UFO simulator, fleet of  Haynes flying saucers like Jetter Hexa Saucer and the Star-trek looking La Dilila  and our orbiting/rotating DEHAS Delta Hotel Spacestation. All of this Third Wave Airline based technology features  state-of-the-art items such  as air-pneumatic / 
magnetic/electrical plasma propulsion based hardware aloft just for you Colorado. 

 As always, we thank our team of partners for keeping us blessed to enjoy, over and over again, the best  in marketing items such as colorful - audio, video,  webpages, based productions as we continual to amass  the best FAA-AST on time, Flight safety record, and of course the top space starline customer service platform.

As other miss-guided aerospace firms around the world remain stuck in the 20th century, thanks to God, to celebrate our owner and CEO Dr. Doug’s birthday this year, we put 21st century dignity back in the game. We do this by boldly announcing the decision to give the NASA Artemis effort a safety and modernized boost. Not only are we giving NASA a 24/7 moon base electrical generation, VTOL / flyable habitat platform, called P-PAC-3 but our all green/ electrically powered, near lightspeed transient, gravity generating, HLS, saucerliner named Los Dilila  technology and its associated artificial gravity generating, free-flying Commercial LEO orbital space station, name Delta Hotel. We do this as per “NextSTEP-2, Appendix N: Sustainable Human Landing System “BAA NNH19ZCQ001K_APP-N.” and LEO 80JSC021CL0 solicitation stipulations.                                                     

Our Star-Trek / Star Wars technology lookalike Los Dilila spacedship, not only has the ability to dock with its own or NASA’s NRHO orbiting Gateway spacestation (or Orion), after vertical departing our AST FAA certified Colorado based spaceport in record time, our saucerliner it can also easily transport a crew of 4 or more in Star-Trek / Star Wars technology mimicking  style, comfort and safety, to and from, the Moon, Mars or any other celestial bodies’ soled surfaces, as located around the universe, in record breaking, near lightspeed timespans. We set the stage for modern space transportation without the need to carry any fuel. So if extraordinary promises need extraordinary proof, then seeing is believing, so feel free to stop by the world’s first and safest air-space-starlines operation here in eastern Colorado and tour our secret, pollution free, VTOL, flying saucer like technology for yourself.

                                                                                    As always God Bless you and yours.


Its time to fly a real and the only all green, eS-VTOL to 
hypersonic cruising, SSTO, multiple touch and go sequencing, short / long taxi hovering, 20 minuet turnaround, Third Wave Airlines Sauceliner right here in eastern Colorado just for you.  

God bless you and yours 


Full Gravity / Hygiene Amenity's Aloft and no Diapers or Cumbersome Space-suits within at our 1980's originally  advertised 1% of the 
going industry's 2021 bidding price

                                                                                                                                              NASA's  P PAC-3


Our Newest E VTOL Saucerliner Test flights start this summer 

Blue Ridge Nebula Starlines Pax/Cargo Flight


DEHAS Saucerliners

Instead of going backward in ops to staging rockets like other space agencies of the world, Is time to straighten up and fly right, 

Yea that’s right, It's time to fly on the world's first, safest and most exciting third wave airline's star trek enterprise  looking saucerliner in operation since 1956, so stop wasting time trying to board a “back in the day” Buck Rogers, Flash Gordon, or Clutch Cargo class of ICBM’s, capsule, or rocket plane mimicking items of the 50's and 60's that make flip around crazy, catastrophic hap-hazardous like approach's to landing and opt to join the 21st century's comfortable style of  new space flight. Please feel free to join our ever growing Star Trek / Star Wars technology-based family of customers across the Americas as we head to the stars from eastern Colorado. Stop by this summer and take a personal tour of our fleet of UFO’s or take a artificial gravity producing seat in our fully handicap accessible, artificial gravity producing los Dilila/ la Dershana starlines, eVTOL  Jeter Saucerliner or their back up DARPA aerospace plane production model named Goose Moose powered by our NASA P-PAC-4 cargo transporting 

booster package. Feel free to do it today before we start passenger / cargo "Ribbon to the Stars" route system operations which seek to connect south western located spaceports, to our various “state-of-the-art” space-based gravity generation / rotating space stations, as soon positioned near extra-terrestrial tourist stop-over locations like our Moon, Mars, Venus and beyond

As always God bless you and yours

Jeter to Goose Moose booster


        Jeter Octo +8 Saucer

Since all of our starliners like this Jeter Octo Saucer fly just as efficiently in the atmosphere as in deep space, the world’s 1st and safest,  third wave airline will be hosting all green, E powered VTOL UFO mimicking tourism flights from a multitude of south western based spaceports to our Watkins Co op's base, and newly targeted Roswell mine hub before connecting with our “Ribbon in the Stars” space flight transportation network aloft. The varying spaceports will eventually serve as our suitable starline's city-pair connection points, instead of just quick fly over point of interest down the road. Feel free to come on out this summer to experience Star Trek/ Star Wars lookalike space


"Los Dilila"

transportation technology unfolding right before your eyes.

As always, God bless you and yours      

                                                                                                                                                      Jeter Octo Saucer

DEHAS converts its secret 

ADG “perpetual motion clean energy” 

DARPA American Space plane X-1 spaceship power supply package (P-PAC) 

into the most advanced renewable energy resource 

24/7 magnetic - solar power generation device for NASA, as installed on all of its Starliners

 since 2004

Join us since thanks to our FAA-AST demonstrated 20 minute turnaround times only we can safely push to fly 10 passengers per trip, 10 times per day, five days per week, for 26k passengers per year , with full gravity generation aloft, while our NASA P-PAC booster package  generates  over 1,000 k volts of  "all green technology"  free energy based, AC/DC dedicated, electrical power 24/7 anywhere in the universe an endless bases just for you. 

Watts on the Moon

As always God Bless you and yours

"Jeter Saucer"

"Jeter Saucer"

The first air-taxi to demo the only  safe-sexy, non-polluting eVTOL’s spaceport to downtown op’s

Thank God you don’t need a lot of bucks and payoffs, just an abundant amount of blessings and prayers, so while others spend time trying to flip around cool looking, but way too polluting, Buck Rogers lookalike. ICBM missiles, outdated staging rocket sequences, antiquated space capsule configurations, obsolete space planes of the 20th century that normally go up in smoke or down in flames and even over priced toy versions of our real, full size, manned, VTOL saucerliners, we have been busy building something futuristic just for you. Since the 80’s we have been fabricating our “go Obama all Clean Green” saucer-liners to service our FAA certified “Ribbon to the Stars” air carrier gateway package just for you.

Like all our Haynes Saucers our Jeter Saucer Saucer/ hover craft is the world’s first, safest, and most versatile disk shaped, back yard navigating, VTOL, 350 mph to light speed, high altitude cruising aerial transportation device.  Many of our saucerliners can house around 10 occupants and are fully handicap accessible, including its low slung, booster package servicing ramps. These DEHAS mfg saucers house, 4 vertical, independently modulating electrical retracting gears, three pressurized stand-up cabins, twin top or bottom exiting safety parachute aided ejection pods, 16-38 feet wide 10-16 feet tall, tip to body folding parking to flight measurements.  DEHAS line of saucerliners also sport twin electrical entry / exit telescoping aux servicing ladders, internal / external LED based lighting, cargo / docking to upper cabin elevators, separate ship and cabin auto leveling capabilities in support of spaceport or mothership to booster docking de-docking accessibility events.

Our line of saucers also features, twin left and right side loading electrical servicing air-stairs / ramps leading to  2 pressurized D-egg shape doors and two pre-entry "dust off "contamination airlocks for a clean and roomy stand-up, safety-based cabin maneuverability area. DEHAS Saucerliners also contain built in confinement artificial gravity generating G-egg chairs lined up with privately viewing HD display unites facilitate privately seated / embedded Wi-Fi based "heads up" goggles aided, AV entertainment / communication-based stations. For hygiene purposes aloft many of our saucerliners basements and aft booster package connection areas not only house house bathrooms / showers / baths, but sleeping compartments and even 4-way docking enter / exit ports. For occupancy external internal environmental hazardous protection our UFO's are equipped with fully FDA approved polyethylene resin / heat and radiation resistant liquid skin shielding technologies. Furthermore many of our saucerliners contain the “NASA covenanted” twin dust-off airlocks, and multiple recirculating filtered (oxygen / nitrogen) breathable air scrubbers supply unites.

 DEHAS UFO’s, multifaceted ,12 volt, 44k wattage, 24/7 electrical power ac/dc generation system uses either their non-spill/ non-gassing/ non-exploding, long duration, lead acid batteries, multiple mag-gen’s as aided by our twin PAC-4 solar powered sun tracking arrays to operate devices such as our fly by radio (tx) network, over sized, HTV and heads up synthetic - real-time vision goggles PV, ADF/ILS/GPS/Star nav, altitude hold, fully automounts autopiloting, ADS in-out anti-collision / id and nap-of-earth terrain-following guidance capabilities to keep things safe and comfortable over sensitive environmental areas such as downtown, across the ponds, around the world, and or, into space.

These Saucerliners also smartly offer rapped "dead battery arrays swap out" abilities, and or runaway hot-battery ejection events via the same hook-up / release systems . Not only can both the cabin and cargo pods be emergency or  recreational ejected but even entire ship can be safely returned to terrestrial locations via their safety parachute arresting systems. Multi- functional RCS provide forward, sideways, and aft air braking forces. All of our saucerliners are propelled through sea, land, air and space by either our multiple ducted fan arrangements, secret  patient, non-polluting, reactionless powerplants, or the more popular, dual ion drive / light speed cruising motors. These state-of-the--art powerplants support the production of both our antigravity energy creation forces and speed of light performance. 

The true flying saucer VTOL operational characteristics of our new personal / urban e-motor powered vehicles elevate the need of encountering any dangerous transitional phases of flight issues. Our line of saucerliners are flexible enough to service people/cargo transportation markets ranging from the up and coming PVA market, the 3D Air taxi operations, and even the up and coming Third Wave Airlines space tourism industry.

All of this is possible today, not tomorrow, since we have elected to utilize the much safer UFO mimicking type of craft while servicing the commensal market as the world’s first, FAA certified, 135 air taxi VTOL operation since 1995. Thanks to God, all of these state-of-the-art amenities easily makes our line of  saucerliners the world’s safest, extremely advanced and most versatile air transportation vehicles ever conceived.  Since seeing is believing, and to be the best you have to produce the best,  Blue Ridge Nebula Spaceline will once again showoff a few of our family-line of Star-trek / Star Wars looking UFO saucerliners this summer right here at our Colorado Air and Spaceport. This is the case before we began our FAA certified air-taxi airline low routs testing, which are targeted at servicing location such as urban, towns, city, states, national, international, sub/orbital, lunar, mars, and finally deeper and deeper space based penetrating twin space city pair connection points. Much of this space tourism connection operations will be done  via our rotating artificial gravity generating space stations.

So now you can finally get up to date and remember, at the world’s first "Third Wave Airlines" named “Blue Ridge” there’s always a Ribbon In the Stars just safely waiting to take you on a star-trekking-journey across the known universe in comfort and light speeding style.

As always please feel free to book a flight at the world’s first online space flight reservation system here at or stop by to walk around the cabins/ cargo compartment or even catch a ride on one of our saucerliners today rather than some other ICBM looking missiles, outdated staging rockets procedures, antiquated space capsules routines or obsolete space plane protocols that endorse the actions of going up in smoke or down in flames, and are tragically absent of any safety ejection pods or all green, renewable energy, enhancing technologies down the road.

As always God Bless you and yours


Dershana Saucerliner Venus Flight Home

Celebrating both our 65/25 years of perfect local, national and international aerospace leadership

Venus-Spacestation Passenger/Cargo Docking Flight


Black History Month

  1. Thanks to God, Dr. Doug Haynes is showing off the world's first, safest and most popular Starline which is building a

  2.  "Ribbon in the Stars" just for you right here in Colorado.

As always God Bless you and yours 

Mr. Elmer Dewitt Haynes Jr of Denver Colorado

 The 1st Black Historical Model Airplane Builder of Denver Colorado From flying aircraft models below to flying saucers star trekking up-high

How do you tell the story of a Black History Month living legend 

Back in 2018, I ( Doug Haynes) was ask by my oldest brother (Elmer Haynes III) to conduct a interview of my Dad (Mr. Elmer Dewitt Haynes Jr), on a  story for the Academy of Model Aeronautics museum located in Indian. It seemed as though they were looking to finally honoring my Dad for his amassing work in the world of aircraft modeling. Needless to say I got so excited for my Dad because, at last he was final being recognizes for his talents and skills.   It seems that he was finally being honored for both his historical pioneering work in the field of modeling aircraft and his championship overs huddles such as racial bigotry and prejudice. I must admit that I was also some-what taking back and a bit intimidated at the ideal, but then after realizing his story of ridiculed, ostracization, setbacks and failures mixed with, trumpets and victories, along the way was familiar. In fact it was actually the story of my entire family’s personal struggles to contribute to Americans rich history. I also soon realized that this story of personal valor, despite it all, could also servers to highlight about 243 years of struggles, minimizations, plight and advancements of all African Americans. So as an effort to document the contents of the 2018 interview, I decide to turn it into his short life scrip before sending it to my big brother.

My Dad intro

My Dad’s, almost a century old, aviation championship story of his trials, tribulations and victories , as encountered over the decades, tends to prove the positive. It shows the fact that positive thinking, superior talent and intellect, mixed with tenacity and blessing from God wins out every time. It also proves that hard work trumps bigotry and prejudice time and time again. I have always said that when I’m old and gray I want to look back on life and be reminded that I never settled along the way. Well if anyone can make such a monumental claim like that is my Dad. Elmer Dewitt jr. raised us all to believe that the motto in this family is that “we fall down and get right back up”. Despite it all, in the end, both an upbeat perspective and positive energy will always win out. It’s this notion that “good guys finish first in the end” has help me continual my pursuit of being the first and only person, (black or white) in the world to transition a FAA certified passenger / cargo airline that used radial shaped engines to fly around the world into a FAA-AST registered spaceline that employee’s radial shaped, flying saucer-liners to transports people throughout the universe.

This amazing aeronautical connection between model aircraft building endeavors of yesterday and successful flying saucers engagements of today must be fully attributed to my Dad’s life and times as the pioneering aviator / pilot of today. In fact, he was the only reason I opted to build round shape aircrafts throughout the balance of my aeronautical carrier.  One might think that because the Roswell UFO incident was less than a decade old, or the fact that F W  Wilcox directed classic  Sci Fi / Adventure movie named “The Forbidden Planet” had just been released (by the time I was born) and served to influence me toward endorsing the mystical flying saucer configuration,  but as always, the truth is stranger than fiction. You see, early-on my 3 older brothers elected to build their favorite geometrically wing shaped aircraft, such as trapezoid, gull, delta and even bi-wing configurations as a means of carving-out their individual aeronautical sibling identity’s. So therefore by the time I came along, as the last of the group of sons, I was not left with many options of self-expression aloft. Because of slim picking leftovers I was left to wonder aimlessly toward selecting perhaps one of the least aeronautically stabile, and most obscured “round winged” configurations.

Thanks to God, and my Dad’s guiding hands, I have spent my entire life getting such a mystifying aeronautical profiled of a wing to safely fly. This mentoring to success episode is nothing new to my dad since historical records prove that he has been inspired many other black men to become famous leaders in the wonderful world of aviation and aerospace science for almost 100 years.  In fact during a time when blacks were not supposed to be model airplane enthusiasts or aviators, dad was busy helping a had full of Black Americans succeed. Eventually family members such as my brothers, Elmer, Duane and Darrell, my uncles Leroy, Eddy, and Clifford, and cousins like Bobby, Russell, Charles and little Mikey, and even myself, all achieved success in the field of aviation. As times passed, and despite it all, even neighbors such as Flavius, Andy and little Marvin successfully joined in. Dad never reserved his aeronautical brilliance to just the black community spot, as he often tried to help other races climb up the mountain of success, but as we shale learn in this historical story, most white men just would not listen either, or even offer to support his efforts.  

Don’t Argue with enslaved Jim Pierson Beckwith of the 1800’s

You could say that a great initial back-drop story of how a few of my ancestors would often use innovation and creative thinking first came to light about 200 years ago. This illumination became the case at the turn of the 19th century when one of my family members, named Jim P Pierson Beckwith, was born into slavery. This took place on the 26th of April, somewhere between 1798 and 1805, in Fredericksburg Virginia. Jim Beckwith, was the 3rd of 13 children born to his black enslaved mouther and white Irish, English nobility descendent father named Sir Jennings.

Though born into slavery, within a few decades Jim Beckwith would find a way to succeed “in America for America”.  Around 1809, Jim  Beckwith family moved to St. Louis Missouri with their farther / master in lead. While growing up in Virginia his father eventually trained Jim Pierson Beckwith as a blacksmith before freeing all of the kids. After getting fired for arguing with his mintering blacksmith boss at the age of 19,  Jim Beckwith had enough of blacksmithing, and was now on his own. Finally, after navigating the paroles of racism and bigotry as a youth, and with this newfound freedom at hand,  Jim Beckwith, was on his way to historical American fame.

Free His Bloody Arm

Because of his newly found freedom and intellect, and while en-route to becoming one of the most successful and famous American western frontier trailblazers, Jim Beckwith, would eventually change his name to James Beckwourth.  Because he wanted to be on the open road James  eventually met and was hired by William Henry Asley of the Fur Company. William Asley wanted him to be a emigrant trail guide. James quickly agreed to such a offer, and while working the Fur Company Jim Beckwith met other outdoors men such as William and Milton Sublette, Hugh Glass, Thomas Fitzpatrick, and Jim Bridger. However, because of  his mixed-skin color, and the good-o-boy network at large refusal to play fair, no one, was willing to lend this “champion of the art” a helping hand. So there-for Jim Beckwith, had to learn the ins and out of his new trade on his own. He did this successfully while traveling widely through hazardous and uncarted areas of early America. These uncarted areas of western America would eventually be known as Colorado, Montana, Utah and Wyoming. Because of hard work my frontiersmen serving ancestor soon became historically know for possessing superior outdoorsmanship skills. James Beckwourth developed skills in the vast areas of fur trader, explorer hunting, trapping, fishing, gambler, blacksmith, wrangler, rancher, entrepreneur store/ hotel keeper, fighter, soldier, US Army wagon scout/master, mail courier, and even a well know author. To go one step better than the rest, and because of these un-matched traits and abilities as a frontiersman, James Beckwourth eventually became not only one of the few Crow Indian communities famed black medicine men, but a tribal Chef of it all as well.  Like many of the men and women in my family, James Beckwourth superior athletic abilities, as displayed during his time as a legendary frontiersmen / military solder, fighting against the best of the best, earned him the nick name “Bloody Arm”.

James Beckwourth worked hard at his trade. Eventually eastern based companies who were engaged in guiding emigrants west soon discovered that the, final, late fall, mountainous navigational part of the trip was just about too much for most people. He deiced to do something about it all since he knew the area of the country so well and began searching for a better rout west. Because of his connection with the indigenes tribes of the Sierra Mountains area, James  Beckwourth soon was show a much easier route toward northern California. The new route needed bit of clearing here and their, but it was better than trying to take the much higher, and more dangerous north Truckee path. But may emigrants just would not listen to his guidance or recommendations and became scared to travel all the way to the gold rushing California. This was the case since many miss-guided or ill-informed pioneering settlers headed west either decided to stop and homestead in places like Denver, turned back, or eventually died from the hurling ordeal. This was soon to be the case with the Donner-Reed wagon train during the mid-19th century.

Doubting Donners Die Arguing with James P Beckwourth

Death and destruction along the way west was the tragic case with the Donners-Reed party back in the surprisingly bitter cold and snowing winter of 1846 to 1847. Despite the many cautions and hazardous warnings issued by my family member, James Beckwourth, about not heading west so late in May of 1846 from Independence Missouri, or not to follow conmen like Mr. Lansford Hastings inaccurate guidebook information. He warned them all of not using such poor information that seemed to endorse using the way too high, and much too haphazard, Truckee City mountainous pathway into northern California during the late fall.  But a few west-ward headed emigrants just would not listen to him and instead put their trust in scammer of the times. Such was the case with the Donner party argued with James Beckwourth recommendations before   foolishly opting to go their own way across the Sierra Mountains. The Donners decided to follow the north Truckee California pass, toward an unforeseen and tragically cannibalism like life-style winter ordeal instead of following James Beckwourth’s more prudent routing. While the last major pioneering train headed west in 1946 only to end up eating their Indian guys pickup along the way, for dinner 9 months later. Others westerly pointed emigrants wisely figure out that this humble black man named James Beckwourth could, and would steer them toward much more fruitful future.

As a direct result of the Donner’s option to not follow my ancestor’s leadership back in the late 1840’s, it now looked like the hope of opening-up California from the east during late fall was proving to be a bit more difficult than originally though. Because of such a notion James Beckwourth trail guiding industry was losing customers left and right. He deiced to do something about it all since he knew the area of the country so well.  Because the motto in this family is that “we fall down and get right back up” James Beckwourth knew that he had found a much better way through it all but the route needed a bit of work.  His new route was actually about 2,000 foot lower than the Truckee Cal trail path and James Beckwourth believe that he would receive both fame and fortune for opening up the west for hundreds and hundreds of emigrating families. After contacting several potential investors of his dream route the city of Marysville (Named after one of the decedents of the ill-fated Donner-Reed- Murphy family’s) agree to compensate him for his work effort. The city of Marysville was so excited about the prospect of James Beckwourth safely leading so many intact-wagon trains filled with emigrating settlers their way. With this written “commitment to pay” agreement in hand, James Beckwourth began clearing out a much better route that lied far away from the more hazardously 7,057-foot high, north trail area near Truckee Cal. Thankfully, due to his intellect and intuitive technological ingenuity, and hard work, one of my great ancestors stepped-up, took charge as a leader, and established his own way through it all.

Like most American of the time. James Beckwourth 5,221 altitude passageway through the Sierra Nevada mountains would soon prove to be the successful way of the gold mining west. Unfortunately, after working so hard, under the false primes that the city of Marysville would eventually pay him for his efforts the trail.

Impersonating Greatness for a Century

 In 1851, James Beckwourth did what others could not, he successfully found a means of safely leading his initial group emigrants along this once, ancient and very hazardous Indian before steering them 5,000 feet down toward the very attractive, gold rushing, and fast growing, town of Marysville Cala. While Marysville was actually named after Meriam (Mary) Murphy, one of the 14 year old surviving children of the Donner-Reed-Murphy emigrating party, the more northern and dangerous Truckee City route was tragically named after the entire emigrating party’s 1947 wintering cannibalism life-style incident. On the other hand, this new and much more prudent path that headed right to Marysville was more positively name after my family member James Beckwourth’s triumph-full deeds of saving them all. This story proves that in short, either op to follow most of my family members leadership skills, and or, recommendations as pointed toward success, or risk losing you way, or perhaps your life. This is the case as recorded in American homesteading history, since some opted heed James Beckwourth‘s warnings, which yielded positive outcomes while others chose not too and actually paid the heaviest price of all, their lives. Rather than give James Beckwourth his credit due, for decades a few miss-guided white Americans’ who did decided to follow his lead to success, also elected to steal the credit for it all. For almost a century no famous historian or noted authors of the true wild, wild west were willing to get the story right. Many stated that white men like William and Milton Sublette, Hugh Glass, Thomas Fitzpatrick, Jim Bridger, where were James Beckwourth friends and even Buffalo Bill Cody and Davie Crocket did it all, for us all, all the time. Unfortunately, because of such unjustifiable impersonations, it was clear that like so many other great black men of America, James Beckwourth could succeed while fighting against the best of the best, but not being elevated by the best of the best.

Just Right for Civil Rights

Finally during the1900’s the truth came out of how my ancestor, James Beckwourth superior work helped thousands of settlers from the east successfully homestead in northern California’s second largest city of the early 19th century. Soon James Beckwourth trail to the most fruitful gold rushing spot in California became one of the primary routes traveled. In fact City’s along the way, or about 5,000 feet below its highest points of travail, such as Marysville, ow their very existences to the establishment of  this historical James Beckwourth trail. After its completion,  James Beckwourth passes became the fastest growing, and most travel route to northern California. This was the case from 1851 to about 1855, or until it became a commercializes, overpriced toll road. Later Mohawk Railway became the first commercial transporter to use such a lower altitude passageway in the winter, and later both Wester and Union Pacific railroad followed suit.

Almost a century later it was the recognition of intuitive / positive leadership behavior patterns like James Beckwourth that prompted leaders of the civil rights movement of the 60’s to boast about members of my famous family’s superior intellect. Unfortunately as the century’s rolled by, James Beckwourth, and or, his four Indian and one African American wives, many of their children, and the rest of the follow-on decedents never did receive their long over-due fortune for such hard work, but God insured that James Beckwourth did get his rightful fame for it all. For example, during the mid to late 60’s, civil rights leaders were trying to find positive historical leadership examples of why African American men should not only be respected/honored but chose and highlighted as leaders toward success. Despite keeping their pomes, Marysville never did pay him for all his painstaking creation and upkeep work, as engage-in over the years. In fact it was not until after strong outcries and upheaval demonstrations that the city of Marysville was forced to do the right thing. Though finical reformations with century old inters of it all are clearly in order, finally by 1996, Marysville  decided to not only name a park, but a few of their fall “Frontier Day” celebrations after one of my greatest American ancestors, James Beckwourth. Even the US government was encouraged to put one of my ancestor’s likeness on one of their 1994, 29 cents, postage stamps. Today, almost 2 centuries later, this James Beckwourth path, that lies near route 70,  Chilcoot-Vinton Cal, in Plumas County, 20 miles east of Portola, Cal, and about 25 miles north of Reno Nevada is steal in use.

Elmer Dewitt Haynes Sr saves them all

While reflecting on this story of family heroic pioneering success I was also reminded of the times when I was becoming the youngest aviator in the history of America while attending a Tulsa Ok based aviation maintenance / flight school during the early 70’s. This was the case while I was getting the off chance of setting at the feet of my grandfather (the original Elmer Dewitt Haynes Sr. of Texas. During one of his half sleepy rambling-off talk sessions, Senor Elmer Haynes recalled his legendary days of serving as a minimized and disputed African American military leader of it all.  As always, and like  James Beckwourth’s trials and tribulations, some of the Americas around him opted to listened to his intellect and often succeeded, while others did not, and occasionally dye for it. While rambling on about his broken dreams and shattered hopes of life in the army, my grandfather began to pride-fully tell me how he would often save his Patton from utter destruction repeatedly. On this day, one of his accounts focused on a story of when his military division was cough in the middle of a firefight with no communication capabilities. This was the case as due to faulty equipment.

Regretfully none of the commissioned officers or specially trained/assigned radio operators knew how to fix the damage radio antenna array package. As in true fashion remained un-deterred in his job at hand and soon began looking for a much better remedy to the situation.  Because the motto in this family is that “we fall down and get right back up” Elmer Sr. knew that he would find a better way through it all, and he did . However, because of  his skin color, and the good-o-boy network at large refusal to play fair, no one was willing to lend this “champion of the art” a helping hand, so he had to learn the ins and out of his trade on his own. Thankfully, due to his intellect and intuitive technological ingenuity, one of my great ancestors stepped-up, took charge as a leader, and established a safe way out of it all. While some of the troupes opted to run away to their unforeseen demise, others decided to take an interest to what this humble man proclaimed he could do the rectify the matter. By the grace of God, my grandfather ingeniously turned a discarded metal bedframe into both a radio antenna and its associated grounding plane during the ambushed. This re-modeling of the defective communication equipment final allowed his commander offices and personnel to successfully radio for backup military engagement help. It’s not clear if he received any formula commendation for such heroic acts of valor,  and sound like Elmer Sr. could succeed against the best of the best, but not with the best of the best. However, in the end, he worked to save the lives of many black and white Americans. Like most of us, Elmer Sir.  sometimes could be heard mumbling in Tulsa Ok,  about broken dreams and shattered hopes of life wishes gone bad, but in retrospect we all just don’t see it that way.  Thankfully, this act of heroism has always been commonly found within the ranks of my bold and intelligent family members like James Beckwourth, so it easy to see how such noble traits would eventually be  pass down to his first male born, and my father, Elmer Jr.

Biography of Mr. Elmer Dewitt Haynes Jr. of Denver Colorado

Unlike what was the fascinating case with the famous Wright Brother of aeronautical history whose mother’s DNA gifted them with handcraft talents, my family is the opposite. 

I suppose one could say that it was the inherent technological talent that the males in my family, such as my grandfather's innate talents as a handy craftsmen, rather than the women side of the family, has helped us succeed as aviators. Other male members of my family include James Pierson Beckwourth (the mountain man of the west), the beloved Mayor Bradly (of LA), the popular and innovating Sly and the Family Stones singing group (of the west coast-based music industry), the magical Marcus Haynes (of the famed Harlem Globe Trotters basketball team, the dual football industries record setting Abner Haynes, of the AFL, and OJ Simpsons (of the NFL) seemed to also set the standers of excellences. If the men in my multi-dimensional family were great Americans, then the woman of our clan did one better. Historically famous family lades such a Muddy Anders, one of the first black woman practitioner of Americas Christion Science church, and her daughter "Mimi Anders" also work to forge a nurturing foundation of love throughout us all.

A Star is born

Thankfully, the skills of my ancestors like Elmer Sr, as passed down the line to us, seems to have worked over the millennium to help me and others become leaders in many fields ranging from model airplanes to aerospace science. To go one step further, perhaps it has even worked to help the other two Elmer’s in our family (my Dad and oldest brother) combat the ills of racial bigotry, prejudice and ostracization. They did this by successfully competing in the field of aircraft modeling craftsmanship. Due to such negative segregation practices adhered to in cities across America such as Denver, instead of having the right to be delivered / birth at a public hospital, my Dad’s was relegated to arrive into this word on the 28th day of March 1929 at his parents’ home. Like most African American newborns of Denver’s early history, this historical event was successfully accomplished via the medical help of Colorado famous first black female doctor named Justina Laurena Warren, (Ford and later Allen).  Since Doctor Ford was not allowed to be part of any Colorado hospitals teams for most of her 50 years of practicing medicine, she had come to believed that the best place to birth a child was at their home. Because of her skin color and utile the 1950’s she was forced to delivering over 7,000 babies’ this way. However in this particular case the left-handed baby boy name Elmer jr, delivered near the end of a windy March riddled month of 1929 would be the first of his 7 follow-on Denver based siblings. Soon Frances, Leroy, Edward, Clifford Nancy, Paula and Jone would follow in such great fashion.

1930’s Getting started

While growing up in Colorado Elmer, Jr began to display an inherent aptitude for hand craft work. In fact, by the age of 10 Elmer was hard at work displaying his superior handcrafting talents among his fellow Ellsworth Element School’s classmates. It seems that this wood working class was his favorite despite the fact that because of his color, unlike like the rest of his white counterparts, he was not allowed to use any power tools let aloud be allowed to answer any of the school’s phones. Thankfully he was too young to understand the meaning of it all and continued to hone his inherit handyman traits with joy and laughter. During this time Elmer did not seem to care what it was that needed done,  he just wanted to get his hands on it and start handy crafting away.

1940’s First model building experience

By1941 Elmer jr ha migrated from Ellsworth Element School’s to Aron Glove Jr High.   Fortunately, during the time of his attendances at Glove Jr High School’s various sectors of the US military, such as its Army Air-core Group were searching for new resources like aircraft models’ organizations to help develop soiled wooden model aircraft to us as illustration props for their troops WW II emery aircraft spotting education programs. The Army felt that beautifully scaled replicas of various friend or foe aircraft could be shown to the solders as training aid. As luck would have it, one of the Army Air-core representatives ask the teacher in Elmer’s wood working class to find student volunteers that wanted to build 3D scale model wooden airplane replicas of both the German and Japanese aircraft for their WW II friend or foe enemy areal personnel aircraft spotting program. 

Needless to say, the left-handed Jr high school Haynes jr. jumped at the opportunity to advance his wood working skills. Unbeknownst to Elmer, and thanks to the Academy of Model Aeronautics (AMA) rules of the road,  this historic volunteering gesture, would eventually work to break the discriminatory roadblocks that curtly were holding the full blossoming of his handy-skills back.

1943 First Academy of Model Aeronautics AMA model building experience

While in search for some of its first new members, the youthful, Indiana based, Academy of Model Aeronautics (AMA) organization elected to expand this membership off the creation of the military’s national enemy spotter identification programs. AMA successful accomplished such a feat by opting to alloy participating members of the military’s “friend or foe” model aircraft build-up program to join their organization despite one’s race, color, or creed. Fortunately, during the mid to late 40’s, AMA all-inclusive invitation platform allow Elmer Jr. to become one of the few AMA organization participants to actually acquire one of the first four-digit membership numbers. This newfound inclusion practice would work to change his life forever, while only costing him about $10.00 a year. Elmer Jr. would proudly keep this historical four-digit AMA founding membership recognition permit until he would be recertified as one of  Denver’s original local club leader a decade later. Elmer found himself participating in his jr high schools wood-working class assembly-line like practices of building various pieces and parts of 12 inch wide, scales model aircraft. They were using military issued cardboard temples to help them scale-down models of enemy aircraft such as the German ME109 or Japanized Messerschmitt.  While everyone was fully engaged in build their individual parts of the varying wooded enemy aircraft and bombers, because of his skin color, the youthful and enthusiastic pupils working assignments were being marginalized. Because Elmer jr  was steal too young to understand many of the negative power of the mid 40’s racism practices floating all around him, he was actually proud to be the first and only hand sanding expert craftsman in his class. Though this discriminating practice was both unfair and horrific toward a child, it would serve as a launching pad for Elmer to become one of the greatest pioneering model aircraft builders in the world.

 Mid 40’s First gas model building experience

Fortunately, during his time in Aron Glove Jr High School’s wood working classes, he witnessed one of his fellow classmates attempting to build a static model aircraft that had been purchased from a local hobby shop down the street. However this type of softer wooden like model required a different set of handy-craftmanship skills, and because of my dad’s wood-working abilities were so refined by now he was quickly requested to join in on the completion of such an exciting aeronautical project.

Somewhere along the way, during the process of helping complete such an opportunistic woodworking project Elmer jr. became firmly hooked on the practices of acronical modeling for life. Not only did Elmer jr  began dreaming of owing such a woodworking craft of his own, but to embrace the quest to fly such an aircraft model as well. However, because of  his skin color, and the good-o-boy network at large refusal to play fair, no one was willing to lend this “champion of the art” a helping hand so he had to learn the ins and out of his trade on his own. Even though Elmer jr had no mentors, and there for no real ideal of what he was aeronautically doing during 1943, the big brother of the Denverite Haynes family did find work as a part-time “pin re-setter” for a local bowing-ally. He decided to use some of his earnings from his bowing-ally job to purchase his first soiled wood model aircraft.  After several un-successful attempts to convert a 6-inch piece of solid wooden block into a delicate and attractively streamlined aero-project he finally managed to figure must of it out. However, like in most solo “first try” cases, without mentorship guidance’s or support, his first acceptable looking craft of the air just could not fly. Thanks to his fancy handy work it looked o-so-good, but since it was made of solid wood, it was just too heavy. While undaunted by such a defeat, he quickly purchased a second, and much lighter weight, 25-foot-wide, Douglas SBD Dauntless dive bomber scale model aircraft. This unpowered, partial -out,  wooden kit project would prove to be even harder to build since its skimpy wings would actually need to be covered by silk. This was done by the kit manufacturer to make the whole package lighter and therefore flyable.  Though Elmer had no ideal at first how to work with silk, thankfully as time went on, and because of his excellent craftsmanship skills, and intellect, this second stab at aeronautical modeling came out just as a beautiful sight to see. But in actuality, his second fully completed model’s flying abilities met with the same unsuccessful fate. Little Elmer jr. would try to throw Douglas Dauntless dive bomber it into the air over and over, harder and harder, again and again, but to no avail. Launching it nose up or down seem to have little effect on the scale model aircraft’s overall flight endurance aloft traits. Elmer soon realized that if the first one he built was to heavy, perhaps the second one was just to underpowered.

While things were looking o-so-good on the ground, they were looking o-so-bad for the young aviator aloft. But the motto in this family is that “we fall down and get right back up”. So with this notion at hand Elmer jr. shook it all off by deciding to go get some advice from others before attempting a third try. Despite potential liability issues between merchants and customers,  the only one willing to help Elmer out in the mid 40’s was one of the employees of the hobby shop down the street from his jr high school. The somewhat reluctantly, but helpful attendee of the hoppy-shop recommended that my Dad switch over to building gas powered balsawood enhancing models, so off he went changing aviation gears of life

1943 First Gas powered category aircraft

Elmer Jr followed this suggestion of switching his taste of model airplanes from un-hand-powered to motorized powered  craft.  Soon afterwards he proudly purchased his very first gas powered flying aircraft called the Playboy. The cool-new Playboy aeronautical project not only seem to possess a 36-inch wingspan, but to fix the issue of no flight success it was to be powered by a gas burning engine called an Osem 23.

However because the war was just about peaking, gas was hard to come by for a lade of his stature, so the task of  getting modeling toys aloft over and over again as his play-thing, or Playboy, would eventually prove improbable.  But despite this fact he found a way to manage it all for the time being, and once assembled in 1943 he could not wait to pedal his bike all the way to his newly designated flying field. Such an exciting place for a teenage was actually just an isolated part of the Wilshire Golf Course nearby. While wondering and hoping  that new project would finally be the one to do it all, by flying up, up, and beyond it all, he speared no youthful energy jumping the private fence with airplane in hand. After all he was in full pursuit of test out his powerful new toy of the air so no one could stop him no.  Finally, “Eureka” it worked, something he built by hand not only look good but actually took to the air. Indeed, success was at hand despite the fact that he had to acquire a war time gas rationing card to fuel his new contraption. He finally found success in the air.  Over the next 2 weeks The Haynes built Playboy flew a total of three times before finally crashing to its complete demise. However, all was not loss since this occurrence would not be the first model aircraft  that would eventually crash to its death over the next half century or more. Elmer jr’s aircraft were finally flying, but not at their best, so he would have to go to work trying to change this condition at hand sooner than later by pioneering new whistles and bells if he was going to be successful at his trade as a black aviator.  So to rectify the situation Elmer decide to start building flying and creating new pioneering whistles and bells for the much more costly and complicated model aircraft. 

Circling Category Aircraft of 1944

Finally, success in the air was all that the youth full aviator needed to self-motivate him to dive further into the world of model airplane crafting.  However, Elmer quickly discovered that because of gas issues things associated with gas powered flight would have to be extremely streamline during the war since petroleum and financial resources were limited.  So in responses such a limiting reality he quickly switched over to flying either rubber ban powered, small hand tossed, free flight style craft, or completely unpowered gliders. However, because of  his skin color, and the good-o-boy network at large refusal to play fair, no one was willing to lend this “champion of the art” a helping hand so he had to learn the ins and out of his new line of aircraft modeling and flying on his own. Fortunately, during the closing years of the war not only did he successfully build 3 gliders but constructed a few rubber-band windup type of kit aircraft as well. One of the rubber-band models almost won him his first award for displaying the longest flight of the day. This would have been the case, but because of his skin color he was unfairly denied success at participating with superior equipment like so many other black men of the times. It seemed that the biasing good-o-boy system of American racism toward black was hard at work.

It at least seemed like this was the case as the judges of the contest discovered a lop-hole in the rules and worked to discreated his overall superior  aerial display of success.  The contest was  set up to highlight a model aircrafts flight endurances time aloft abilities. While other aircraft wasted no time flying a few feet away from their launching points before touching down, Elmer’s model did something much more spectacular. Elmer jr’s, and most of the older spectators were so amazed about how such a young lads craft not only stayed aloft twice as long as the rest of the bunch, but displayed the fling ability to circle around for a return landing at its original launching point. Wow what a flight, Elmer  did it. Over the years he had learned to fly with the best of the beast. May though to themselves that surely this little boy from out of the blue would easily win such a contest. But as faith would have it, the judges re-decided to base the winning flight on a distances flow along a straight line, so therefore they had the authority to rule Elmer’s unlikely circling craft a looser of it all. 

Wow what a blow, and while most of us would have called foul in our youthful days, or become upset, not Elmer jr.  Because the motto in this family is that “we fall down and get right back up Elmer jr. knew that he would find a better way through it all. Thankfully, due to his intellect and intuitive technological ingenuity, one of my great ancestors stepped-up, took charge as a leader, and established his own way out. Since he had no idea what racism looked or felt like, and despite this biasing episode made appear as a looser of it all. , the Jr. aviator chose to focus on other more meaning full things. He was so happy about the fact that his work was not only flying well at last, but actually competing with the best of the best. He left the are actually believing that if giving a fair chance one day, he would be actually rewarded for his successful efforts. Believe it or not this “can do” attitude served to set the positive thinking behavior, and or, stander of fighting bigotry, on his part for the rest of his life. Elmer jr’s aircraft were finally flying but in circles and this was causing him to lose contest, so he would have to go to work trying to change this condition at hand sooner than later by pioneering new whistles and bells if he was going to be successful at his trade as a black aviator.  So to rectify the situation Elmer decide to start building flying and creating new pioneering whistles and bells for the much more costly and complicated free flight category aircraft. 

Free flight Category Aircraft of 1945

Finally, as the war ended, during his high school days, and because of his love of a new hobby Elmer found himself switching his employment location over to a newly established Downtown Denver hobby shop.  Many residences of today, including me and my family,  steal remember how this new and improved hobby shop was established on the second floor of the famous Walgreens shopping store.  This employment upgraded association with his love of flying served to help him finally hone-in on the resources and knowledge needed to become successful at his craft. However, because of  his skin color, and the good-o-boy network at large refusal to play fair, no one was willing to lend this “champion of the art” a helping hand, so he had to learn the ins and out of his new line of aircraft modeling and flying on his own.  After a few failed tries on his own, Elmer Haynes jr. finally figured it out on his own' and finally began to succeed.

However, this early success in life created an unexpected issue. Instead of losing contest because his aircraft were flying in circulars paths, his much more powerful free flight category aircraft were now flying so high and so far down range in a straight line that neither he of the judges could retrieve them as proof of an actual measurable endurance success. Elmer jr. found himself being miss judge time and time again. This was systemically being done by the white community via, simply referencing some wild form of technical violation here and there. It now seemed like once more nothing was good enough for many of the negative renegade type of competitors and judges at large. Again Elmer discovered that he would have to work toward changing this condition at hand sooner than later by pioneering new whistles and bells if he was go to be successful at his trade as a black aviator.  So to rectify the situation Elmer decide to start building flying and creating new pioneering whistles and bells for the much more costly and complicated Control Line category aircraft. 

First Control Line flyers of the late 40’s

Even as WW II had ended, and black aviators such as the Tuskegee Airmen have triumphed over racism, steal nothing seem to be good enough for the good-o-boy judges of Colorado. So to combat the issue of flying to far down range around 1946, instead of the more prudent act of moving in a verifiable circular judging fashions back home, Elmer Jr elected to make a chain.  Elmer elected to switch over to the sporting category of control wire flying aircraft.  He realized that such type of aircraft was inherently expected by the judges to fly around and around in a circular path about the pilot, like a yoyo on a string.  Now under this new line of thinking, he could not only keep an eye on his prize-winning aircraft at all time, while aloft, he could also start flying them at closer neighboring fields.

So with this notion at hand, he soon upgrades from using a bicycles  front rack as the primary transporter compartment of his aeronautical goods and services to placing them into a little red “drag along wagon”. However, because of  his skin color, and the good-o-boy network at large refusal to play fair, no one was willing to lend this “champion of the art” a helping hand, so he had to learn the ins and out of his new line of aircraft modeling and flying on his own.  After a few tries on his own, Elmer Haynes jr. could now be seen touting his wagging down the street full of aircraft hobby supporting pieces and parts while in route to newer and more accessible flying felids. Not only did these various changes in flying field  proximity’s save him time and resources, they also triggered the phenomenon of transforming him into a local aeronautical celebrity among his family, friends and neighbors. This new line of craftsmanship also led him into building, competing and sometimes chasing hundreds of follow-on model aircraft over his life time. Aircraft like the Nobler, Ring Master, and even the Red-head Tarp model 35 suddenly became his superior tools of air flight championship.  Thanks to his membership in the AMA, he was finally able to join his first good-o-boy lead, model airplane flying club, called the RC Eagles in 1948. Not only did Elmer jr, soon learned to succeed at rat-racing his various control-liners, but became an expert in other equally comparative line of flight like ribbon cutting, balloon bursting, aerobatics, and even spot landing. Despite the tension of the quickly approaching Civil Rights era movement, and its associated cry of “equality among all”, the young aviator steal found a means of socially branching out as well. Finally, things were about the change for the good, for good.

1950’s First and only African American Leader / Director in the AMA

As the fifties open up Haynes Jr. Found himself having to striatal a multitude of adult responsibilities and opportunities.  For one thing the AMA was way ahead of the Civil Rights movement to push for equality, as they were in full support of the equality for all notion.  Suddenly the maturing aviator of Denver found himself having to balance his love for aircraft modeling with his love for others. The potentially distracting duties of serving as both a husband to his new bride, Jimmie Lee Kelly, and a father of five children. By the late 50’s his offspring’s count finally ceased once it grew to include his first and only girl, Debra Jean, who arrive almost on his 28th birthday (1958).  Not only during the 50’s, was he busy become a new homeowner and a new, every two year Father, but by the time  the mid-century decade was done he would have finally climbed his way to the top of it all. With this growing ordeal of balancing a multitude of responsibilities like fatherhood and socialization aviator at hand, he smartly decided to convert his love of the air into a family sport/entertainment activity. Though Elmer’s wife, Jimmie Lee, was not all “in on” the overly expensive model aircraft hobby experience, his new bride did allow him a few aviation enthusiast luxuries along the way. Elmer found a way to not only setup a basement, model airplane building workshop that feely housed wall to wall power-tools, but he also volunteered to host mixed racial model club membership meetings in his basement. Since all this aviating was going on right next to my three brothers and I bedrooms the smell and taste of aircraft dope, paint and glue fill and influenced our youthful live forever. Lucky, his association with the AMA organization during this time, and their commitment to a more omnibus accepting of membership philosophy work to his favor. Elmer Jr. was not only afforded the opportunity to nurture his family but also could thrive in the world of aircraft modeling.  Not many men, or women, have been able to accomplish such a dubious task as this.  Elmer was also able to meet plenty of new friends and competitors around the area as well. The success he felt after being accepted into a second aircraft model group, called the Aurora Prop Busters, eventually gave him the “branching out” confidence to form his own flying club.

Modeling a model airplane flying club

Elmer Jr. was so excited about trying to start a model airplane build/flying club of his own, called the "Fly Rights" but much to his regrets, such a revolutionary notion of a black leader of it all was just “too much too soon”.  Because of  his skin color, and the good-o-boy network at large refusal to play fair, no one was willing to lend this “champion of the art” a helping hand, let alone any subordinate help. This act of leadership by the maturing African American was to be of no avail. In fact this bold thought of stepping out as a self-proclaimed leader of the good-o-boy group quickly ran into the reality that his skin color minimization efforts were alive and well. It seemed that none of the white members of the local Denver metro area AMA organization were willing to risk the effort of following one of my family members down a better, and more improver path of success. They collectively opted to ignore his leadership traits and went the other way.  As in the past with so many of my famous family member, like Beckworth and Elmer Sr., white America opted to not follow this blessed leader in aviation to success, and such obstinate action only led to their failures and losses in the end.  It soon seems that once again Elmer jr. could succeed against the best of the best, but not with the best of the best. This was the case since Elmer jr. soon found himself using advanced pioneering building and flying skills with aircraft such as the “Baby” and standard 4-inch “Streak” size models to beat the local competition time and time again for the next three up and coming decades.

One of his most memorial impacting stories of the times

During the 50’s the “lone black wolf” of model aviation industry was blessed at both building and flying his model aircraft, as the world watched Elmer jr. grow more and more skillful. It was not easy, every now and then, one or two jealous and biasing white, renegade personalities like a competitor of official judge would unfairly count him out without cause. This was often systemically done by simply referencing some wild form of technical violation. It seemed like once more nothing was good enough for many of the negative renegade type of judges. However, thanks to God, and despite the racially charged, biasing treatments at large, many of the competing parties would see through the unfair practices and a few would opt to give him their first palace trophies instead of minimizing he amazing work.  This was gracefully done in support of good-natured righteousness often found in America.

Ending the 50’s by Organizing it all

Eventually, as the 50’s reached for a close-out, and since no one in the Denver metro area would not join any of his clubs, he decided to ask the more open minded, national AMA body for help. Elmer was looking for them to help him become the first and only black model aircraft competition event organizer. Though he would have to trade in his historic 1940’s “four digits” founding AMA membership number for a much longer, and later organizer designation card, such an upgraded statue would finally grant him the opportunity to lead something back home.  Elmer jr. would then have the opportunity to not only set up and run meets and or contest around the area but to do so on a much more equitable bases then what he was witnessing at the time. Fortunately, the national office was not tracking the color of one’s skin, and because of this fact AMA just felt that they were justifying rewarding a high achiever to his rightful statues. This up-grade meant that Elmer jr would be authorized to organize the various flying contest around the area on a professional basis. Elmer jr. would have to not only engage in such leadership activity’s as finding a suitable flying site for them all, but he would also be responsible for purchase ribbons and trophies for the best of the best. The once ostracized and minimized “lone wolf” of the American model aviation industry found a way of  doing such task while also nurturing, and or, encourage his growing flock of participating aviators.  

A man before his time pioneered through it all with whistles and bells 

One of the biggest spinoffs from being a leader of it all was that Elmer jr soon gained a bolder attitude toward pioneering newer and more advanced aircraft modeling technologies. For example, the self-modified construction of the world’s first gigantic twin engine scaled, DC-6 airliner became his primary passion. Elmer jr modified this authentically conceived, and massive control-line aeronautical project to featured state-of-the-art whistles and bells. In order to show off his advanced craftsmanship and electrical wiring skills, Elmer jr.  decided to start-off be installing self-designed and fabricated amenities such as the world’s first, scaled, fully electrically powered, retracting landing gear packaged. Wow what a challenge,  but that not all since the Unite Airline replicating -6 model airliner also contained items illuminating systems such as, retracting/ extending landings lights, red green and white navigational lamps,  and even a few individual cabin seating / reading bulbs. Believe it or not, Elmer jr. ingeniously designs the entire -6 electrical system to be powered from a DC batter pack, as attached to his hips belt strap. He figured out a way to actual rune a verity of switches, wires and control knobs from his hand grip all the way to the aircraft’s wingtip inlets. This is something that have never been duplicated. If the was not enough pioneer/ innovating in the late 50’s Elmer Jr. follow-up this line of superb craftsmanship and ingenuity with the unveiled his beautifully fames, black and white, stagger-wing Beechcraft. The now, fiver foot eight inches tall pioneer of the aviation modeling world went on to craft even more state-of-the-art aeronautical inventions during the closeout of the 50’s. This man before his time championed-in advanced inventions such as wheel-less aircraft flyaway dolly takeoff harnesses so control-lines and spinner-less props initial auto staring devices so that his models could possess both a self-take-off craft and safe starting capabilities respectfully.  In fact, it would not be until decades later that any members of the AMA, or aircraft modeling industry as a whole, would gain the ability to replicate such useful safe and money-making features. Slowly, and for a time Elmer  jr. begin to gain the respect and admiration of his fellow comrades in the industry. But times were changing and so was the judging criteria’s, and soon it would feel as though the Lone Wolf was one again all alone during his fight for equality and respect. He soon realized that this path was just not going to work in his future and it seem that Elmer jr. was right back at where he started. Again since the motto in this family is that “we fall down and get right back up Elmer jr.  knew that he would find a better way through it all. Thankfully, due to his intellect and intuitive technological ingenuity, one of my great ancestors stepped-up, took charge as a leader, and established his own way out.

1960 First RC Aircraft

As the 50’s rolled over to the 60’s all of the innovating/ pioneering whistles and bells install on his various control-liners were starting to outnumber the capability to individually control them with a single hand grip and its two control lines. Long ago jr’s  aircraft were flying in circulars paths instead of straight lines so he made their rudders straight for the judge’s enjoyment, then, his much more powerful free-flight category aircraft flew to high, and too far away in a straight-line , so he made them spiral down toward home. He made all these changes in order to successfully complete with the best of the best, and now it seemed that his high technology filled,  forever circulating, control-liners were staying way to close to home to be appreciated by the up-and-coming judges of remote radio control-liners (RC).  Elmer’s modified creations were clearly the state-of-the-art in control-line flight, but the new aircraft modeling criteria meant that his work was being criticized for not being able to fly further and further away for longer and longer periods of time,  while being guided by radio control (RC) technology. So once again Elmer discovered that he would have to work toward changing this condition at hand sooner than later by pioneering new whistles and bells if he were going to be successful at his trade as a black aviator. So to rectify the situation Elmer decide to start building and flying a newer line of  pioneering whistles and bells  that could be pointed at the much more costly and complicated remote-control category of model aircraft. 

Talking about being free at last, this uniquely design industry’s flexibilities literally  gave the middle age aviator maximum room to advance his pioneering whistles and bells craftsmanship aloft. If the judges wanted  model aircraft that could fly high, fast, far and true, while hosting maximum high technology whistles and bells at the same time, then they were now looking at the right man. But unfortunately as the 60’s continued to unfolded money needed to support the entry into an expensive hobby like radio-controlled flight while raising five children was hard to come by. On the other hand the RC industry was young and need advancing everywhere so with this at hand, Elmer knew he had to worked harder and smarter than all the rest to make the switch. Finally,  in a few short years, after dragging all of his aircraft, whistles and bell of the past along, and because of his superior intellect and craftsmanship, Elmer jr.  once again found himself successfully leading the way. Elmer jr dabbled and modified a verity of remote-controlled category of aircraft.  Who would know that this category of aircraft would someday serve to create the foundation of not only civilian but military grade spy-planes, drones, guided missiles and even prototype spaceships.

 In time, his pioneering state-of-the-art whistles and bells designing practices grew to incorporated “world first”, scale modeling innovations such as modulating parachutes doors, retraction wheels, extending and retracting tail hooks, and even “above the wing” auto-glider launching cradles. Later he applied such electronically activated innovational work toward model boats, ships, and racing cars of all shapes, sizes and venues. On any giving weekend Elmer jr. could be seen either happily stunting, rate-racing, ribbon cutting, or balloon bursting many of his control-liners, frantically retrieving one or two of his favorite long-winded free-fliers, or acrobatically manipulating, parachute releasing, and spot landing a few of his top-winged or scaled RC aircraft. Looking back on it all it was obvious that over the decades Elmer  had spent a lot of money on becoming the best of the best in his hobby of choice. All this while raising a great family of seven, and nurturing hundreds of aeronautical enthusiasts like cousins,  friends, neighbors, club members, spectators, and contestants toward success.

Elmer jr. had giving us his all, soon he began thinking that it was time to get something back. So after watching lesser men make a profit at selling their inferior, but useful, pieces and parts of hobby modeling devices, he decided it was his turn to try making a buck at it all. In short, Elmer jr.’s success at innovation finally lead him to the notions of commercializing it all. Like a typical business minded person, and as a means of shearing his revolutionary ideals with the world, Elmer decided to pot his skills on sale.

No opening for open his own hobby shop

After exploring a verity of options, and like may of his top performing friends,  Elmer jr. finally decided to try opening his own local hobby shop.  However, and once again, because of  his skin color, and the good-o-boy network at large refusal to play fair, no one was willing to lend this “champion of the art” a helping hand. Though Elmer tried and tried to fine supports, and or, investors for his business ideal, in reality, and like most black Americans of the era, there was just no possibility of opening his own business in white America. It soon seemed that once again Elmer jr. could succeed against the best of the best but not with the best of the best.

To make matters worse whenever Elmer’s  family and other African American friends would travel with him to out of the state model aircraft competition spots, such as Wyoming, where they were not only met with despair in route, but bigotry on site. It seems that their skin color alone worked to band the entire group from most of the restaurants and hotels encountered along the way

Despite my brother’s and my preference for low wing scaled model looking aircraft such as the P-51 Mustangs or German gull wing Stuka Dive Bomber, our dad Elmer felt that the use of high wing aircraft was much better. Right from the start Elmer learned that high winged model aircraft such as the Piper Cubs and even the Tailor Craft was a much more stable and prudent style of aircraft building and flying practices. So with this belief system at hand, and during many of these flying contest spread out around the area, Elmer found a way to dominate the field. His masterly building and use of aircraft such as the famed control-line flying Ring Masters or the high wing, RC controlled Jenny’s to help him set the standard for model aircraft piloting. Elmer jr was finally gaining respect for his aeronautical skills far and wide. Because of his kind nature he continual to reach-out to help both the white and people of color advance their model aircraft operation traits. Elmer worked hard to positively influencing black aviators and FAA certified pilots to aeronautical success during the middle of the civil rights era. He inspired black Aviators such as Elmer’s 4 sons, Elmer III, Darrell, Duane, and myself (Douglas), his brothers Leroy and Clifford, his older 1st cousins Bobby and Russell, close friends and neighbors such as Flavious, Rowlen, and Andy Lewes. As time went on, he also mentored younger black aviators ranging from Marvin Collar to our little cousin Michael Haynes. Despite what we all were made to endure as second-class citizens along the way, Elmer would call for calmness and love for all people while helping them climb the ladder of success.  You see Elmer Jr. hold-heartily believes that it is much better to work toward the inclusion of all races instead of engaging in aggressively violent marches, riots, or boycotts. Since, because of his color,  Elmer was forced to become the world’s best hand-sander in his elementary wood working class, and despite our protest, he made my brothers and I sand away for hours and hours on end. He knew that it would make us better craftsmen, maybe better hard-working black men eventually.


Just like the readers of this bio, by now, as the inflamed civil rights era transitioned from aggression to active resolution over what to do to stop the madness of the American white overseers madness Elmer was hard at worked doing the right thing for blacks and whites. During the opening of the 70’s Elmer was busy expanding his skills in perfecting scale boast, cars and aircraft. He even helped one of his white team members break the world’s longest control flight endurance record. The two worked hand in hand seeking a way to eclipse this record by flying a model aircraft for more than 9 hours straight. He also helped my oldest brother, Elmer III , to become one of the best model glider building/ flying competitors on the west coast. During my successful quest in 1995 to become the youngest FAA certified aircraft mechanic/pilots combination personality in history, thanks to my Dads preference for high wing aircraft, I triumphed. This was the case since I elected to use full size, top winged mounted, pilot trainer aircraft, like the famed Cessna 150’s 152’s, 172 and 182’s of the era.

1980’s Retirement from most of it all.

During the mid-1980’s, after nearly a half a century of successfully engaging in competitive model aircraft encompassing events such as ballooned-bursting, rat-racing, ribbon-cutting, balloon bursting, parachute release proximity landing, and scale replicating, Elmer was about to engage   an way-too-early retirement from his hoppy. He would soon be faced with having to give his love for aviation up for the love of his life.  Out of respect for his ailing wife, Jimmie Lee, the pioneering modeling aviator of old was facing a dilemma. By now both Elmer and his wife had been lifelong smokers and by the time they reached their mid 40’s such a nasty habit was having an ill effect on his partner. His wife Jimmie was having trouble breathing, and the powerful fumes emulating from the dope used to cover /seal up the wings on his aircraft were not making things better.  In order to help his mate breath better Elmer was forced to abruptly stop his practice of covering his aircraft with doped one substances in his makeshift basement model building shop. This respect for quality of life over for others, rather than just himself, led to his final retirement by the closes-out of the 20th century.

The 1990’s

After the death of his first wife jimmie Lee, and the full “empty nesting” act of his five children by the 90’s, Elmer continued to encourage African Americans men to get involve with either the AMA, the aircraft modeling hobby, aviation, airlines or even the aerospace science field of spacelines. In fact, it was my Dads early mastery of aviation modeling  that encouraged me to establish not only the first long running African American owned, FAA certified airline, called Blue Ridge, but the creation of the world’s first third wave (space-star-line) called Blue Ridge Nebula. It was not easy accomplishing such a historical feat, as I meet with all sorts of resistances, failures, and shortcomings along the way. However  since the motto in this family is that “we fall down and get right back up”  I decided to do something positive about it such negative encounters and keep going at it all. Thankfully, due to my inherent intellect and intuitive technological ingenuity, as derived from my ancestors, who always found a way of stepping-up, and taking charge as leader. So just like the way they seemed to have established their own safe passages through  it all,  I too have prevailed over bigotry , injustices and racism. For example, thanks to my Dad, my Blue Ridge Nebula Starline is the only transportation organization that uses FAA-AST registered flying saucer shaped craft. Such craft  have the capability to produced not only artificial, but antigravity forces while being propelled by historical first, “reactionless drive” motors at near light speeds. Furthermore my Dad’s go-for-it all role-modeling tendencies also helped me to become one of the youngest and most published aviation/aerospace business authors in the world.

Unraveling Elmer Jr. unethically re-written recent-history

After marring his second wife Beverl, Elmer became busy over the recent years ushering in new lines of safety measure thinking. Innovative safety measures such as the use of strap-on wrist holders for control-line operations, expanded helmet utilization protocols for supporting pit members, affordable insurance policies, and even the refining of “right to fly” ordinances across America.

While all this is good news, it’s unfortunate that as more and more time passes by, many great black American that have achieved so much for so long, are either hidden from view, or have their success records rewritten in favor of lesser men’s almost non-existing accomplishments. 

At time it seems as though such unethical practices are actually a right-of-passage service perform along the way toward being immortalize into the who’s who’s of America’s legendary  membership.

Unfortunately such an act has taking place in my family for over two centuries’, its ranges from  James Beckwourth fame and glory being ripped off as far back as the late 18th century and runs down to my own record as being the world’s first FAA certified spaceline being either minimized or dispelled during the early 21st century. Dad is no exception and has felt the same since many wannabees have tried to either steal, kill, or destroy the truth about his aeronautical accomplishments. For example, recently Colorado bases residences of cities such as Lakewood and Aurora are attempting to fake it all for their own self-glory as displayed during their model aircraft by-centennial celebration.  Many members of the local Colorado based “Jefco Model Airplane Flying Club” which my day started, are seeking to celebrate its half a century old existence without him. Unfortunately, they are trying to commemorate such an amazing accomplishment without acknowledging its original founder. Jefco Model Airplane Flying Club wants to count the decade but refuses to accept Mr. Haynes first ten years of founding leadership. As horrific as this must sound, such an act of racial ostracism is not the first incidents of trying to minimize and or steer Elmer jr. hard earned accomplishments. As far back as the early 40’s, members of the founding Academy of Model Aeronautics (AMA),  miss characterized Elmer into being just another white man of the group. This miss- identification of his race, was done for almost a half of century as the AMA promoting him as being white. No one there knew /offered to get it right by offering to display him as a famous founding black model airplane builder. But since we all fall down and get right back up, as God would have it, and thanks to our brother Elmer III’s fact finding hard work, the truth finally came out in 2018. Once Mr. Haynes membership number 525 was validated by the AMA, it became obvious that since 1942 he had been one of their early sanctioned founding members all along.  Academy of Model Aeronautics finally reversed their miss-guided line of thinking and acted to enshrined Elmer jr in their 5161 E. Memorial Dr. Muncie,  Indiana museum the next few years.


While looking back on almost a century of aircraft modeling, as associations with the Academy of Model Aeronautics, one soon realizes that the almost 100 years old, 10 inches shorten, bent over, gray haired man, with the slow, slue-footed walk up and down the driveway, and wide cheerful smile found a way to forge a path through it all. Not only did this old man find a “way to lead the way” in the past, but he also found a “way to point the way” toward our future as well. While nurturing, and or, raising his family over the years’ grand-papa Elmer jr. has come to believe that if all people, and or organizations around the earth would seek to utilize full membership encompassing practice they would do much better in the end. He believes that if such organizations would seek this all-encompassing posture sooner than later, such groups will have an opportunity to maximize their longevity. This more prudent ideology of full inclusions on a more equitable bases, instead of advancement via the good-o-boy concepts only,  has help him raise a successful army of African American aviators.

 It is these humble African American aviators and other good-natured people of the world whose aeronautical triumphs touch all facets of the aviation industry. They range from model gliders to the actual building and operation of full size, disk shaped, passenger and cargo spaceships, that possess the ability to safely take mankind safely to the stars. All this goodness, and blessings being offer by black America has been inspired by the old man of the air, and longest living member our clan, “Elmer Dewitt Jr”.   

We did it, instead of honoring great people of the world long after their deaths, as is the case of  many of my famous family members like James Beckwourth, or Elmer Sir. We have ceased on the opportuning to raise a living legend while he lived until July 29th, 2021, in living color.  Once Elmer jr sanded his way into to the aeronautical history books, but now life has forged him into being a legend of all times. As I stated earlier, when I’m old and gray I want to look back on life, like my Dad did, and be reminded that I never settled along the way.  Elmer Dewitt jr raised us all to believe that the motto in this family is that “we fall down and get right back up” and despite it all, in the end, both an upbeat perspective and positive energy will always win out. As my Dad takes his rightfully place among the founding members and historical stars of the Academy of Model Aeronautics museum these days, we say thanks, rest in peace,  and God speed to us all, for finally getting this one right before his death.

Like most of us, Elmer jr. sometimes can be heard mumbling, like his father, about broken dreams and shattered hopes of life wishes and hops gone bad, but in retrospect we all just do not see it that way.  What a wonderful dream, what a long and successful story, what a fantastic legacy.  If only we all could be so lucky and blessed to have live such a fair, good natured, and long-winded life as his.

While other have failed or giving up over the century’s it is not enough to just say thank you to many of my successful  American ancestors like James Beckwourth for helping California become California or Elmer Sr, for saving the American troops from other destruction. We must finally stop and thank Elmer jr. for being Elmer jr. and pointing the way from aircraft modeling to safely star-trekking across the relative confined of the new spaces above forever and ever.

                                                      As always God bless you and yours


Venus - Sky City Passenger Disk Aerobatic Flight

Build Bridges of the Hearts and not Walls of the State

Venus to Sky City Dershana Saucerliner Aerobatices

Your invited to come along with us as we once again celebrate (Freedom of our society) MLK Day on the 18th 2021,at 9'10 am (maybe virtually)or as normally in city park, while saying hello, good luck, and God bless to one of America's top presidents of the century "Barack Obama"  
and his lovely family, with leading supporters and organizers such as the Webb's family's. Right from the beginning we have been with all the loving marade marchers peacefully celebrating 
in Hope, Faith, Joy and Love

"Job well done Good and Faithful Servants" 

Barack and Michelle Obama 
we love and miss you 
  As always, God bless you and yours

Thank you, for 14 years of knowing the world's greatest American President

Venus to Floating City Booster Aerobatic Flight



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